Dup or close to screen names


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 4, 2008
Vermilion County, Illinois
I noticed today that someone signed up as
Jolly Rancher.. only difference is I have the _ in my name.. Is this permissable??

Sonds like it could be very confusing to me.
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Yes it is allowed. When you check the user list there are a lot of very similar user names on this forum. With the number of users on this forum filtering to disallow similar names would make it a chore to find a name that was not taken.
I understand your concern but you are still new and only have 35 posts.

There are so many Bantymoms & silkiechickens here.

I think something should be done, diplomatically.

If someone created a new account as purple_chicken I would be VERY upset.
If that day ever comes when we have to ask 500 people or more to change user names because they are close to another one I will be taking a very long vacation.
That's too bad, espceially since Jolly Rancher is a rather uncommon name. But who knows- maybe you guys have the same name because you're so much alike and could be friends!

So far so good for me...

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