Dutch Bantams Breed Thread

Hatchery Dutch, aka Non-Dutch.

Wrong body, too long, too large and with that V back I would say he has a lot of Old English game in him.  Wrong tail set as well.  Comb wrong and comb/wattles too large.  His earlobes are way too large.  I will let others take over from there.

Thank you! You answered my questions and I am enlightened......he was "supposed" to be from Strombergs and is "supposed" to be SQ....interesting in the least...
Well he is my run around loose outside boy (I do live in the city so there are very very little predators). He cannot live with my seramas in the run..too big for them. He is a friendly soul....Now I am curious what a SQ roo should look like, could you possibly post a pic please Matt...I like to learn.. LOL
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could someone tell me what kind of quality my dutch are and what colour my hen is?
Nice looking rooster. The only things that he could use improvement on would be more black striping in his hackle and a lower tail carriage.

Well, in the United States, your hen's variety would be Light-Brown. I think that the Light-Brown variety is called Golden Partridge or Partridge in the United Kingdom, but am not completely sure of that. Your hen's tail could be longer, but her coloring is pretty good. Her hackles could be just a little darker/more vibrant, though.
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Thank you! Reason i asked for her colour is that i bought the pair pictured yet they hatched out a cream light brown chick cockerel, a light brown chick cockerel and a hen chick the same colour as her.
I'm getting my light brown Dutch pair tomorrow

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