
Blue Silvers are one of the most difficult varieties both to locate and to breed, in Dutch. Silvers are out there, but hard to find in pure Black and White (crossing with LB to produce Goldens left a red residue on backs and wings that is almost impossible to breed out.) No one breeds Goldens any more, but the Silvers, not spoiled, are hard to find. (will be some in TX by fall) Blue comes from OEGB crosses, so hackle, saddle length is compromised in the Blue Silvers seen at Shows (rarely). so not very good Dutch Type. We need breeders to work with them. Saw a few in Holland that were lovely. Few are bred there or in UK, they are not easy. Wish I could recommend breeders. MA breeder recently gave them up--don't know where the birds went??? Dutch Bantam Society website is out of date, but should be updated soon. with current breeder listing, so check now and then.. Any other variety of interest in the meantime?. Good luck

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