Dying chicks

We need more info. to begin to help you.

How old are they?
When did you get them?
What is the temp. that are being kept at?
Where are you keeping them?
How much room do they have to live in?
Do they have fresh water?
What type of food are they eating?
What are their symptoms before they die?

, good luck, I hope someone can help with the extra info.
I got them on May 24. i had them at 95 degrees but they kept dying so i moved it to 85 just recently. they are in my chicken coop in a room 12 feet by 6feet and about 8 feet tall. i give them fresh water every morning and night. they are eating chick starter food and they eating well. i put 1 tsp of medivit in their water for every 9 liters. Before they die they stick out their beaks and open them wide then they pant. i thought they were dehidrated so i dunked their heads in the water more.Then i took this peice of wood and leaned it against the wall to provide shade for them
how do they behave? Are they huddeled? Do they move around or stay in one corner? are they always panting? Is your feed medicated? Is there anyway they could have access to something bad? How old are they? for the first week have it from 85-90 then at 80-85 then 80 and so one, going down 5 degrees per week. (farenheight)
Your chicks sound too warm.

Only under the light does it need to be warm - 75/80 degrees should be fine - the rest of the coop should be what ever temp it would be "normally" (if it is 60 outside, your coop should be close to 60). Many, many people keep them too hot.
So glad to hear variations on the temp under the lamp because it has REALLY been stressing me out!!! I guess it's just like newborn puppies, just keep an eye on them and they will let you know if they are too hot or too cold!
The recommendation of 95 degrees for the first week does not take in consideration the breed of chickens or whether large fowl or bantams. It is not a one temp fits all situation. My Australorps are very cold hardy, and when I put them in the brooder at exactly 95 degrees, they immediately started panting and holding their wings away from the body. I had to lower the temps to high 80's when they were two days old, and then quickly had to lower it even more.

Heat stroke is one of the frequent killers of chickens. At less than a week old, chicks cannot regulate their body temperature, so being in the sun could have caused them to die.

You mentioned 'body temp' of 85 degrees. A healthy chicken's body temp should be 103.6 to 110.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

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