Dying hen

You mentioned she isn't using one foot. Have you checked her foot underneath to make sure it's not an infection/bumble foot? If it's red or hot to the touch that would mean a nasty infection which untreated would make her very sick.
She is on the verge of dying which means there isn't time to guess what could be wrong. Is there a chicken knowledgeable veterinarian that you can take her to?
I took her upstairs and she ate cat food becuase i offered it to her
She also drank water now both of her feet dont work one work a bit
She is able to stand but she falls forward I would usally buy layers
Pellet from pets at home but stopped buying that and just use bird seed
Also her sister died about 2 months ago iv raised them up since they were
3 days old deginately wont want this one to go sadddd face
She is drinking water after every 20 minutes im offering her that to
No veterinarian takes chickens
Its a bit pink but not a bumble feet

Thankyou guys soo much
Hopefully she survives is theif anyother thing I can use for her that
Is in a pets shop rather than onlime becuase it takes days
So what can I feed her that is good for her
And no her sister died from a fox in our area we have alot of visitors at night
Unfortunately I went out and my mum and sister were standing outside with a big torch
They been finding my hen for 20minutes I wend behind the chicken coop and found her
Headless that was the worst thing I have ever seen after that my tears never stopped
She was a wonderful hen even tho she didnt like me
The next day she was buried my me
My mum had a theory , that they were all in their coop and
The fox came and took her

Do you mean you have rung and asked your vet if they take chickens and they said no or you are assuming? Most vets will see them, it's just not their area of expertise.

Get some of her regular food and put it in a sieve and run some hot water through it. Cool to warm. That gives extra liquids and warming it seems to make it easier to digest and smell yummier. Mix through it a mashed boiled egg. I also find to get them started some small cut up pieces of watermelon is irresistible on top.

At your pet shop look for something for sick cage birds. Names will probably be different over here but you want something for sick birds to give her a vitamin boost. If you get her eating mix that through too or add to the water depending on what the instructions say. You will probably find vitamins at least. The one over here starts with poly something and is a bit like a food replacement you can syringe if all else fails and she isn't eating.

So that foot is pinker than the other? Is it warm to touch compared to the other? My sister recently had a dove with an infection in its knee joint which required antibiotics. Not all infections will look like bumble foot but it would be strange she wouldn't use that foot and it not be related to her illness somehow either as the cause of her illness or as a symptom of a disease.
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I am assuming that they wont because they only care for dogs cats rabbits
Ferret or hamsters no chickens
And I will do ehat you said
Hey guys I found these in my house
And was wondering if they are good enough


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