Early birds?

Yes I have the manual, will candle tonight and then what???????
Candling will help you assess where in the development process the eggs currently are. I'm betting they are all close in development since you got them from the same source. The rockin and rollin egg indicates that one may be getting in position to hatch...you may need to increase the humidity in the incubator for a good hatch for that egg. If you candle the others and they are mostly clear, that indicates they were not fertile, or if partly clear, they are in another stage of devlopment and not ready for hatching. I'm betting that if you candle the rockin one, its mostly dark with only an air cell thats light on the side they will break the shell thru..indicating its far along(ready to hatch)... There's lots of stuff in the Articles->Learning center about all the above too
any tips on how to take pictures. will do so this evening. Will it hurt to up the humidity a bit earlier?
I havent ever taken pictures because I dont have another pair of hands to do it, but you need a very bright flashlight (LED ones are best), and a dark room (Closet/bathroom). Another pair of hands to take picture while you hold the flashlight under the egg and gently cup your hands around the egg and turn it while the light shines only through it. You can see what pictures we are your looking for in the article I mentioned earlier in this thread . One side will be clearer that has the air cell, and the yolk or embryo/chick will be seen as a dark mass or some such in the rest. Post what pictures you can from that. Im not a quail expert so don't know what hatching humidity for quail is. for chickens its 65-75%. Eggs that are hatching should not be turned either. so you may need to turn off the advance part that turns the eggs too

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