Early February 2016 Hatch - Who's In?

Well day 21 happened this afternoon and nothing. No more wiggling. No chirps. I am trying to be patient but it is so hard when I see all these fuzzies on here!!!! :barnie I know that it will happen when it happens but I keep going through everything I've done- did I do this right? What about that? I'm driving myself crazy. Come on, chicks! Momma's ready! 

Go see a movie, have dinner, do something to get away from the incubator and you'll return and have a ton of fluffy butts in there upon your return. :)
Put the numbers on both ends, especially the narrow end. Chicks hatch through the fat end, and we think to write the number there cause its facing us, but fact is, the narrow end stays intact...
I have since added this to my notes
Well day 21 happened this afternoon and nothing. No more wiggling. No chirps. I am trying to be patient but it is so hard when I see all these fuzzies on here!!!! :barnie I know that it will happen when it happens but I keep going through everything I've done- did I do this right? What about that? I'm driving myself crazy. Come on, chicks! Momma's ready! 

Don't lose heart!!!! I agree with the other users--go watch a movie. Remember, a watched egg never hatches :)
I have a pip! Right before day 21 ended I saw a pip on one of my eggs. I never saw it wiggle or heard a chirp before this. Temp holding steady, humidity good, going to bed and hopefully waking up to a chick!

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