Early Hatch?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 5, 2014
Tulsa, OK
Hello all. In need of a bit of advice/info. Is it possible to have a hatch at 14 days? I had a broody, so I got some eggs from another BYC member. She got them from her flock on a Wed/Thurs, and my lady didn't sit on them til Tues. Today would be day 14 of her actually sitting on them, but they were laid about 19-21 days ago. But today when I went to candle, one chirped and I looked and it had pipped! Definitely saw a little baby beak moving around in there. Could they have started development even though they weren't sat on, if the temps were high? Or did this one have to be sat on for a few days? I'm wondering because I wonder if I should take this first baby away while she finishes the rest, or if it's possible for them all to hatch this early. Any info helps! Thanks!
Hello! I doubt that it started developing before it was the right temp... But I guess it could be possible. I would just wait and see it looks okay. If it tries to hatch to early it could have some issues although I have never heard of this happening. Keep us updated! And hope you get more info!
Ok. Got some new info. The egg was probably incubated at her place (she was missing a marked egg, may have got in with my batch). I'm amazed that it made it through all that it did, because it was probably out from under her broody for 1-2 days. But it's almost completely out of the shell now.

My new question: should I take it away? The rest are likely to be about a week behind, but would she give up on them if this one was out and about?

Will she take it back later?
Ok. Got some new info. The egg was probably incubated at her place (she was missing a marked egg, may have got in with my batch). I'm amazed that it made it through all that it did, because it was probably out from under her broody for 1-2 days. But it's almost completely out of the shell now.

My new question: should I take it away? The rest are likely to be about a week behind, but would she give up on them if this one was out and about?

Will she take it back later?

I would take it from her as soon as it dries and try toad I back after the others hatch... Every hen is different, Some are good foster mothers, others are not
I wonder how soon you can take them out? This one went from pipped to completely out in about 4 hours. I had thought it would take longer than that.
I wonder how soon you can take them out? This one went from pipped to completely out in about 4 hours. I had thought it would take longer than that.
Your coming into evening there in OK (got a Sister there, Sister and Mom in Agra and niece if OKC).. I would just leave it tonight but take it from her first thing in the morning...

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