It's my first time hatching! I'm using the Brinsea Maxi 24 EX. I started with 24 eggs (12 Light Sussex and 12 Australorp) and now I have 13 eggs in total still alive on day 18. Some of them have large air cells and others look very small to me compared to the diagrams I've seen online. I'm so anxious about getting the humidity right but with such a large variation in the air cells I'm unsure. I keep reading things and then panicking and changing my mind etc.
I was originally planning to do a dry hatch but my incubator manual said 40-50% so I was nervous about going below that and kept it at 40% throughout. My temperature has been consistent at 37.5C.
On day 15 I started to see a couple of eggs wobbling and wiggling and on day 16 lots of them were doing it. I read some threads that said to start lockdown early. I was worried about some of the air cells being too small so I stopped the turner at the end of day 16 but I didn't increase the humidity.
Then at the start of day 18 I raised the humidity to 60% because I keep reading about day 18 and lockdown and that was what I thought I was supposed to do. After that, most of the eggs stopped wobbling and I panicked again and read some more. It was only then that I read that lockdown should start after day 18, so essentially that should actually be day 19. I panicked when I read that and dropped the humidity back down to 30% to try to compensate. That was a few hours ago now.
Now I've started to hear cheeping from some of the eggs but it's still day 18 (day 19 starts in another 6 hours). I have set the humidity to 65% since hearing the cheeping but I'm worried about the ones with the small air cells. Only 4 of the 13 eggs are still wobbling.
So my questions:
1. Is there any reason why the air cells are so varying? There are a mix of sizes across the two breeds so it's not down to that.
2. Have I caused problems by changing the humidity up and down so much in the last 24 hours? Could that have harmed them and should I be worried that lots of them have stopped wobbling?
3. Is it not too early to hear cheeping? I have read they can hatch early or late but my temperature has been perfect so I don't see any reason for early hatching. Does raising the humidity early induce them? If they hatch early will they be weaker?
4. Does 65% seem ok for the situation I'm in now? I'm scared of drowning them but I'm also scared of shrink wrapping them and I don't know which way to lean.
5. I have opened the vent because I've read about them needing extra oxygen for the hatch. Does that only apply to still air incubators? Mine is forced air and fully automatic. With the vent open, the humidity pump is on constantly and it's just about maintaining 65%. It was only on intermittently when I had the vent closed. Should I close it or not?
Thanks so much for any help!
I was originally planning to do a dry hatch but my incubator manual said 40-50% so I was nervous about going below that and kept it at 40% throughout. My temperature has been consistent at 37.5C.
On day 15 I started to see a couple of eggs wobbling and wiggling and on day 16 lots of them were doing it. I read some threads that said to start lockdown early. I was worried about some of the air cells being too small so I stopped the turner at the end of day 16 but I didn't increase the humidity.
Then at the start of day 18 I raised the humidity to 60% because I keep reading about day 18 and lockdown and that was what I thought I was supposed to do. After that, most of the eggs stopped wobbling and I panicked again and read some more. It was only then that I read that lockdown should start after day 18, so essentially that should actually be day 19. I panicked when I read that and dropped the humidity back down to 30% to try to compensate. That was a few hours ago now.
Now I've started to hear cheeping from some of the eggs but it's still day 18 (day 19 starts in another 6 hours). I have set the humidity to 65% since hearing the cheeping but I'm worried about the ones with the small air cells. Only 4 of the 13 eggs are still wobbling.
So my questions:
1. Is there any reason why the air cells are so varying? There are a mix of sizes across the two breeds so it's not down to that.
2. Have I caused problems by changing the humidity up and down so much in the last 24 hours? Could that have harmed them and should I be worried that lots of them have stopped wobbling?
3. Is it not too early to hear cheeping? I have read they can hatch early or late but my temperature has been perfect so I don't see any reason for early hatching. Does raising the humidity early induce them? If they hatch early will they be weaker?
4. Does 65% seem ok for the situation I'm in now? I'm scared of drowning them but I'm also scared of shrink wrapping them and I don't know which way to lean.
5. I have opened the vent because I've read about them needing extra oxygen for the hatch. Does that only apply to still air incubators? Mine is forced air and fully automatic. With the vent open, the humidity pump is on constantly and it's just about maintaining 65%. It was only on intermittently when I had the vent closed. Should I close it or not?
Thanks so much for any help!