Earthquake shake


8 Years
Dec 30, 2015
Vancouver, Canada
Hello all, I'm new to this site, although I've been getting all my info off of here and learned enough to successfully hatch eggs 2 months ago.
We're currently waiting for eggs to hatch, we're on day 16 with Coturnix eggs.
However last night we had an earthquake of 4,9 and the eggs were moved all over the incubator floor.
Will they be a write off? Or is there still a chance of survival? Anyone had any experience with this?
I know it's probably a "wait and see", my kids are hoping for a success story ;)
Hi and welcome to byc. Maybe others may know better but I think your gut instinct as a wait and see maybe the best to hope for.

Good luck

If the eggs were not damaged I would think they still have a chance. I've no experience with earthquakes but once hatch gets underway eggs can get quite bashed about by hatchlings and they survive.

Good luck with your hatch :fl
They're still intact. I'd read something about blood vessels rupturing, but then they'd have to be bashed more severe? Or is that more in the earlier stages?
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Temp and humidity, I now bought a digital and found out the hygrometer was way off and the temp was too high.
I also think that I should have opened it more to let oxygen in. It was pretty much on lockdown all the time :/ there is a dan in there now, I'll open the lid a couple of times per day to allow oxygen going in.
I feel bad though :(
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