East Texas Gardening

March 15 is the average last frost for my area. I usually cover mine with milk jugs to protect them from any chill we might get. So far it's worked well for us.
I'm a fair weather farmer .... and lazy to boot.:(

I use 10% of last frost date which is March 29 but Easter is easier to remember.
I'm a fair weather farmer .... and lazy to boot.:(

I use 10% of last frost date which is March 29 but Easter is easier to remember.
I do the same. We our springs are so unpredictable. I wouldn’t be shocked if we don’t see another frost this spring or if we get one April 30th. April 30th is the date we are supposed to be completely safe but 2 years ago we had a sudden drop to 27 we weren’t even supposed to drop below 40 that night. Luckily I was suspicious and had my plants covered but a lot of people had to replant that year. This year I have too many plants to cover so I’m waiting until May 1st.
Spring must be here …. The red buds, Bradford pears, Mexican and other plum trees are now in bloom. And to top it off, the hummingbirds have arrived a whole 10 days or so early. Had two of the little Kamikazes zinging around the feeder today. Gotta be spring. But I’m still not planting anything until after Easter … Just cause.

Still getting things ready and waiting ……
Had the first mess of mustard greens with supper last night and they sure were good. Our mini ice age set them back a little but it was worth the wait .....

Now if the four cabbages that survived will make before the heat turns on things will be good ...
Our Easter Cold Snap is right on time this year. It is supposed to be in the upper 30’s the next couple of nights for our lows, with a slight chance of some frost. Around here it’s never safe to plant until after Easter.

Can’t wait either …… Can't wait for the second round of fresh mustard greens of the year to finish cooking either.
At last! Planting time has arrived for my little piece of the world.

And a busy day we had too. The mustard greens were starting to send up seed heads so we pulled all of them and cut the usable leaves and got them processed and in the freezer. Next we got all the peppers in the ground with the exception of the green bell peppers. That will be finished tomorrow and we will carry on with the rest of the planting while the weather holds. Supposed to get a little bumpy around here Wednesday but at least it won’t be cold and we do need the rain.

Glad to see these little guys hanging around too. Never have enough honeybees.


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