Easter Egger and Silver Laced Wyandotte Chicks near Galax, VA

my sunwolf

7 Years
Apr 22, 2012
Southwest Virginia
My Coop
My Coop
We don't ship--local pickup only.

We have 17 Easter Egger cockerels for sale. They are about 8 weeks old and extremely colorful. They would make great breeding roos!

We have 8 Silver Laced Wyandotte cockerels for sale. They are about 7 weeks old and are very docile.

Prices: $5.00 OBO.

You can reply or call me at 503.853.6482 for more info or to arrange a pickup.
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Any of the pullets available still? I just bought property in Riner VA, about an hour from you, and would like a few chickens for my daughter to help raise. She thought the Easter Eggers would be cool, but I think the Silver Laced Wyandottes would be good too.
I'm glad there's someone in the area interested in chickens! Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one
I will say that the EE's are my favorite kind of chickens, even though they're not an official breed--they're so friendly, hardy, good at foraging, and just generally great birds. Both the EE and Wyandotte pullets are still available, I've posted some pictures so you can have a look.

Here's the first EE girl:

This girl I'm iffy about--I would give her another week before I sell as a pullet just to be 99% sure.

This is my single comb Wyandotte pullet at 3 weeks (she is a bit bigger now):

And if you'd like I can take a picture of the other Wyandotte pullet as well.

Let me know if you're still interested!
They are cute! We are moving to Riner next week, so I will call you after we are settled to see if you still have them. We have never raised chickens, but the property already has a chicken coop set up on it, so I think it will be fun.
Wanted to post some more pictures of the pullets!

This one is the friendliest and very calm--I was thinking of keeping her, but we're moving and can't take her with us.

Here are my other two Wyandotte girls (they wouldn't sit still for the picture!):


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