Easter Egger club!


They look round-ish...right? Lol wishful thinking? Haha

Thoughts on this 10 week old EE? Roo or hen? The lack of a red comb and fairly uniform patern make me think hen but I heard someone say the black and white ones are usually roos?

I have a sexed pullet that is quite similar to yours, though a little less black. I was really wanting one that looks just like yours!
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Just got my first Easter Eggers today and they are so stinkin cute! Does anyone know what color this chick may turn out to be? She's almost lavender in comparison with the golden blond one they put in there. From Cackle if that matters.

Just got my first Easter Eggers today and they are so stinkin cute! Does anyone know what color this chick may turn out to be? She's almost lavender in comparison with the golden blond one they put in there. From Cackle if that matters.


I think it's near impossible to tell EEs adult colors when they are that small
Mine changed SOOOO much from hatchlings to adults.

She is a super cutie though!!! Maybe someone else will have better insight
The odds of her turning out to be lavender are pretty much 0. I've only heard of one place that breeds lav ameraucanas, and I'm pretty sure cackle doesn't have them - yet :p she'll probably turn out a mix of grey and orange,but then again, she could grow in soloid buff and I wouldn't be surprised. EEs are very unpredictable as far as color is concerned ;)
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Yea, cackle has them, & they charge a pretty penny for them. I got 2 and paid 13 a piece for them, for straight run! I just couldn't help it though,lol. Then again, that may be a fair price for them, I'm new to all this, so I don't know much about the pricing.

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