Easter Egger club!

Not usually. At least not from my understanding. Do you have a picture?

easter eggers are mixed breeds lol they can have any earlobe color depending on what breed their parent was

My EE rooster had bluish ear lobes. Every one of his babies laid blue or green eggs, even when crossed with a brown egg layer. He was homozygous for blue egg genes.

I haven't looked at ear lobes. Interesting!!

My pretty Penny! She's laying really pretty bluish green eggs. She was dust bathing lol

thanks everyone! i can get a pic of them today. she has the coloration of a black copper marans. id love to know what her ancestors are! hah! she lays a deep green color


This is Tutti, my EE!
I have several EE'S but only 2 stay long enough for a picture!

Meet Eleanor! She spends most of her time on my shoulders or walking beside me wherever I go. She loves to model for the camera lol! She's the sweetest thing ever!




This is Eleanor's buddy, Esther! She on the shy side but loves attention, too!



I love all my chickens! I am most definitely a chick-a-holic! :)

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