Easter Egger club!

I have a question regarding a a chicken with a bad attitude. I have 4 EE's that are 21 weeks old. (purchased at local feed store as araucana's, but I assume they're EE's) Non of them are laying eggs yet, but are getting red faced. One of the hens has become aggressive within the last 2 weeks. She has bit me to the point of drawing blood a few times now. When she does, I catch her and carry her around for awhile, trying to get her comfortable with me again, but so far that has not helped. Does anyone have any suggestions that may help her drop her attitude? Could it be a sign that she may start laying eggs soon?
Could be that she's getting cranky with you being in her space, or she could be enthusiastically begging for treats. In any case, carrying her around is likely to cause her more stress than anything. A sharp peck on the head with your fingers or just stand up and walk through her should do the trick to teach her to respect space.
She is trying to dominate you. Don't let her do this. 'Peck' her back with a sharp rap to the head with your finger. You need to be the boss

I'm wondering what my ee is crossed with she seems unique! Some of her feathers almost look camo!
She looks similar to a little hen who wandered up to our house last fall. She was the sweetest chicken but wouldn't let us near her. She had a lovely rooster with her who later gave his life to save her from some sort of predators. She disappeared at the same time, but two months later she came back. We tried feeding her to get her into a pen so she'd be safe but she ran away every time. I haven't seen her in over a month. There are so many "wild" chickens around here, I'm hoping she joined with a flock somewhere.
Thank you for the reply. The first time she bit me, I was changing out the water in the coop so I summed it up to her protecting her space. However she has since then even came after me and bit me when she is free ranging in the yard so shouldn't have felt cornered. She is at the top of the pecking order in the flock and I was thinking she was trying to display her status.
Hi everyone,

This is a great thread - thank you EastinChickens for starting it!  I am new to chickens and the BYC website but I did notice that EE's are not a very popular topic LOL.  I have ten 7-week old pullets and three of them are EE's.  I think they are great and we are so looking forward to pretty egg colors!  Here are my girls:




Up until a few days ago, I thought that Feathers was a white rock!  My friend gave her to me when she was 3 days old (she didn't know what breed it was).  I thought it looked just like my white rock chicks until I noticed that she had green legs ... and then a few days ago I realized that she was growing a muff!  What a great surprise to have another Easter Egger.

So Victoria doesn't seem to have a muff, does this mean that she isn't really an Easter Egger?  Her tail feathers also stand straight up and I am hoping that that doesn't mean roo???

This one kind of looks like my jubilee orpingtons..

These 2 are both cockerels. The pullets don't have as much white around the shoulders. :)

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