Easter Egger crossed with Barred Plymouth Rock


5 Years
Mar 18, 2014
So my kids and I purchased an incubator and we are on our 3rd hatch! Hatching has been so fun! The first two sets to hatch went to a friend wanting chicks, which was what gave us the idea to hatch as well as doing it for a homeschool project. So we started out only hatching the barred rock eggs since our rooster is barred rock. The second batch we hatched out a RIR and it looked identical to the pure BR chicks. Keep in mind we only have the BR Rooster ;). So with this hatch my daughter wanted to hatch some of our Easter Egger eggs. And these chicks will be going to a different friend who loves our green eggs, so I thought maybe?? Haha. Now that we have set them I am very curious about what the offspring would lay? And look like? I am assuming it may not be clear cut answer as EEs are "mutts". We have 1 EE that lays olive green eggs and one that lays light green. They were actually sold to us as Ameracaunas after being on here the last few months I have learned the real scenario behind Ameracaunas and EEs. Any who both our "Ameracaunas" lay some shade of green. I would love to hear what you other chicken lovers think of this cross and any pics you might have of your own :)

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