Easter Egger "puked"?


Jul 20, 2015
Columbia Heights MN
This happened just now: I went in the coop to check on the chickens, Easter Egger jumps onto a lower perch and tilts head forward, and a whitish clear liquid comes out of her mouth like vomiting
. It was odorless, and she seems fine and very healthy, so I'm not sure if I should be worried or not. I heard that sometimes they just are expelling extra water from their crop, is this just what she was doing?
Please help, as I am quite worried about this!
Chickens can easily throw up fluid that is in their crop since there are no valves to keep the fluids down when they lean forward. I wouldn't worry about the one incident, unless it happens again. You can feel of her crop in the early morning, just to make sure her crop is emptying overnight.

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