Easter Egger question...


8 Years
Feb 22, 2016
New Hampshire USA
My Coop
My Coop
We have 2 Easter Egger hens that will be one year old in April. They both just started laying eggs for the first time in late January. They laid their blue eggs for a few weeks and then both just stopped. Our other hens are laying well, with spring almost here. WHY would newly laying hens just lay for a few weeks and then totally stop? We have never had EE's before and never had anything like this with the other hens.
Possible worms/coccidia? Calcium deficiency? Stress? Eggbound? Clean water every day?
No sign of any disease and all the rest of the chickens seem healthy and are laying. No sign of worms. They have plenty of oyster shell and fresh water. Can't understand why it's just the 2 EEs. Got a black australorpe chick at the same time last April and she is laying like crazy.

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