Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

The comb appears to be 3 rows. That would indicate cockerel.

so my chicks are a bit older now (3 weeks) and it seems my "mystery" chick is an Easter Egger, even though i had 2 EE pullets in the order already. frustrating...

anyways, im thinking its a cockerel because its not feathering in as fast as the 2 pullets, but figured id post here anyways. might be too young to tell, but here we go!

the chick in question is on the left. an EE pullet from the same order is on the right.

and comb...
I know the thought before was that all six of my new chicks were pullets. Is that still the case with this EE? They are eight weeks now, BTW. I had a hard time getting a closeup picture, because their hutch is low and this one either went to the back or would streak past me. Little booger of a chick. It is getting more splotchy in the wing color department.

I know the thought before was that all six of my new chicks were pullets. Is that still the case with this EE? They are eight weeks now, BTW. I had a hard time getting a closeup picture, because their hutch is low and this one either went to the back or would streak past me. Little booger of a chick. It is getting more splotchy in the wing color department.

That looks awfully similar too my rooster-

He is 4-5 months now.
I know the thought before was that all six of my new chicks were pullets. Is that still the case with this EE? They are eight weeks now, BTW. I had a hard time getting a closeup picture, because their hutch is low and this one either went to the back or would streak past me. Little booger of a chick. It is getting more splotchy in the wing color department.

Hmmm....I still say pullet. The reddish color seems pretty even throughout it's body and I'm not seeing any dark red on the shoulders yet....I say girl but I could easily be wrong. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
We have 2 10 week old Easter Egger (Olive Eggers?) Their mom was a splash Blue Marans and the Dad was a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana.

Any thoughts on gender? The only way to tell them apart is that Rosie is starting to grow a white beard. I guess you'd call them black? They have a greenish sheen to them :). Rosie also has started to grow tail feathers and Flutters still has none!






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We have 2 10 week old Easter Egger (Olive Eggers?) Their mom was a splash Blue Marans and the Dad was a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana.

Call me paranoid, but I'm concerned about how pink the combs are (my girls didn't get pink until like 16 weeks, my boy was pinking at like 6 weeks), particularly the one closest to the camera.
I know the thought before was that all six of my new chicks were pullets. Is that still the case with this EE? They are eight weeks now, BTW. I had a hard time getting a closeup picture, because their hutch is low and this one either went to the back or would streak past me. Little booger of a chick. It is getting more splotchy in the wing color department.

At 8 weeks, I vote pullet, that comb is just too narrow and small to be a rooster.
Call me paranoid, but I'm concerned about how pink the combs are (my girls didn't get pink until like 16 weeks, my boy was pinking at like 6 weeks), particularly the one closest to the camera.
It's hard to tell with OE. I do think the one closest to the camera has thick legs, but it's hard to tell. I have an OE that looks like yours, but he is only about 6 weeks old, so I have a while before I will know for sure! Good luck! Keep us posted!
Possible mother to Custard # 1
#2 mother
or #3
Custard is the one in the back! I would guess mom #2 is his mother. Will get a picture of Dad up in a minute.

This is Custard's Dad, a Rhode Island Red.

Custard and his favorite ladies! Although he is not the boss of anyone, the white one actually is. Shelly, aka, Mother Hen!

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