Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

when will his tail start going upward? He is between 9 and 10 weeks in these photos I believe. And he started trying to crow last week!
Okay I know camera quality is not that great, sorry. This is Athena, I had posted about a month here on this thread and everyone was pretty unanimous on the girl verdict. This last photo is from about 2 weeks ago, the rest from today. 12 weeks old now and since we removed my only known rooster her posture has changed and I noticed the feathers in the saddle area are really curvy but not really pointed. Her comb is the darkest pink and most developed of all my chickens. I was certain she was a she until I went out there today. Please tell me I am crazy! These photos are the 8-9 week old pics I posted last time for reference, thanks for the help!
Even with the uneven pattern, the comb would be much more pronounced on a cockerel that age. I don't see pointy feathers. I'll read further to see what the more experienced people say. My girl has become very dominant and taken on a lot of rooster behavior. No mounting thankfully! Although the horrible raptor growling is really loud.

Okay I know camera quality is not that great, sorry. This is Athena, I had posted about a month here on this thread and everyone was pretty unanimous on the girl verdict. This last photo is from about 2 weeks ago, the rest from today. 12 weeks old now and since we removed my only known rooster her posture has changed and I noticed the feathers in the saddle area are really curvy but not really pointed. Her comb is the darkest pink and most developed of all my chickens. I was certain she was a she until I went out there today. Please tell me I am crazy!

These photos are the 8-9 week old pics I posted last time for reference, thanks for the help!

I agree, definitely still looks like a pullet!
Looks just like Beep1 my 18 week old EE.

See? Twins!

These are my easter egger hens. I have 4 that are bearded with pea combs and then the red one is supposedly an EE as well, but has not characteristics of the EE traits. Looks more like a RIR to me. They are all now a little over 17 weeks. Some of the pics are of the same hen, although 2 of them seem to be identical twins. I got them from a feed store, where I have purchased all of my chickens from the last few years. They have not failed me yet as to accidentally receiving a rooster.
Also, thought I'd share a pick of the blue splash hen with the wind blowing up her skirt. haha
These are my easter egger hens. I have 4 that are bearded with pea combs and then the red one is supposedly an EE as well, but has not characteristics of the EE traits. Looks more like a RIR to me. They are all now a little over 17 weeks. Some of the pics are of the same hen, although 2 of them seem to be identical twins. I got them from a feed store, where I have purchased all of my chickens from the last few years. They have not failed me yet as to accidentally receiving a rooster. Also, thought I'd share a pick of the blue splash hen with the wind blowing up her skirt. haha
Yellow foot is definitely not an EE. Cute tho. Probably RIR. That means you'll have a colorful carton of eggs!
I think they are pullets but they seem to both have single combs, meaning they might not have the blue gene and will probably lay brown eggs. At least thats my understanding.
We have 2 10 week old Easter Egger (Olive Eggers?) Their mom was a splash Blue Marans and the Dad was a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana.

Any thoughts on gender? The only way to tell them apart is that Rosie is starting to grow a white beard. I guess you'd call them black? They have a greenish sheen to them
. Rosie also has started to grow tail feathers and Flutters still has none!

Is this 7-week old OE a boy or girl? I am REALLY hoping for a girl, since olive green is my favorite color, and she is the only OE that I could find. And she is tied for my favorite, but we couldn't keep a rooster, as far as I can tell. And please ignore my face- my mouth was open from concentration, and I didn't know I was in the shot... e.e

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