Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

UPDATE: Okay I posted about two weeks ago my 10 week old Olive egger - (copper maran x ameraucana mix) and my Lavender Ameraucana Fiona...
I now know for sure that Fiona is a rooster- so we shall call him Heona, but the Olive egger is a mystery to me, it looks like it has a single row of peas in its comb, but its comb is much redder than the other confirmed pullets??? LMK what you think:)

First this is Sharkie at about 7 Weeks

Here he/she is at 10 weeks:

My rooster Heona and Sharkie...
UPDATE: 4 WEEKS LATER: Here is Sharkie the "shim" in my flock that was a little to big to be a hen, but then the comb was a little to small to be a rooster... tell me what you think now, is Sharkie a pullet or a roo? Sharkie is 15 weeks old.

Thank you for the Sharkie update. (Best name ever, by the way.) S/he is could be a poster chicken for this thread, a real mystery. In that top picture, I see a hulking young cockerel that does not have any saddle feathers showing yet. But when you factor in the age at 15 months, it makes me quite unsure. Boyish pullet or slow developing cockerel?
Guess I'm leaning toward cockerel.

Can you check Sharkie's back for little saddle feathers that might be sprouting? That would be the clincher.
I'm still saying cockerel, but I hope I'm wrong.
I appreciate your imput though, so thank you for that, I havent given up yet.
Thank you for the Sharkie update. (Best name ever, by the way.) S/he is could be a poster chicken for this thread, a real mystery. In that top picture, I see a hulking young cockerel that does not have any saddle feathers showing yet. But when you factor in the age at 15 months, it makes me quite unsure. Boyish pullet or slow developing cockerel?
Guess I'm leaning toward cockerel.

Can you check Sharkie's back for little saddle feathers that might be sprouting? That would be the clincher.

No crowing yet... no eggs either
I have had no saddle feathers, and I do check closely daily, all the feathers at the base of the tail are rounded, an bouncy like my other hens tails.
Sharkie's tail is not growing any curlier. So...IDK still, I am leaning toward hen, but maybe this will be one of those that you have to wait till it either crows or lays an egg...
I will continue updating in another month or so thanks for the imput:)

This is a tough one. I previously guessed pullet. In these recent pictures, your sharkie does not look feminine, but not too rooish, either. It does not have the upright stance of a roo, and is not very full in the bum for a hen. The face/expression looks more roo-ish. This is tough. But I still guess pullet mainly because it lacks many features of a roo at 15 weeks old. Please update when you know for sure.
I have a question for you guys, I have this pullet that is an EE crossed over a wyandotte mixed hen, I don't know what to call the comb she has. Her father has a smallish modified pea comb and her mother has a rose comb. This pretty girls comb is flat though!

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I think sometimes the genetics mixes the comb features and the pea and rose comb sort of combine to form a hybrid of its own... It looks sort of like a very flat pea comb. I am not an expert but, I would say since it is a mix you could come up with a new name for it ....a Rosepea comb or Pearose comb!!

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