Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*



How can you tell if the are girls or boys at this age?
How accurate are hatcheries at sexing chicks for stores? I have some EE chicks that are about 2 to 3 weeks old and I wanted all pullets and this was the first time I bought chicks from the store. I know that all chicks are hard to sex but I am new to EE's, I usually just raise silkies but my husband wanted a few more blue egg layers. Can you tell by the feathers on their wings or the coloring on them? I can post pictures later.

I can't speak for anyone else, but whenever I've reached into the EE pullet bin at the farm store I always end up with at least 1 cockerel. I usually pick out 3-6 and always get 1 little roo. This has happened about 4 or 5 times
How accurate are hatcheries at sexing chicks for stores? I have some EE chicks that are about 2 to 3 weeks old and I wanted all pullets and this was the first time I bought chicks from the store. I know that all chicks are hard to sex but I am new to EE's, I usually just raise silkies but my husband wanted a few more blue egg layers. Can you tell by the feathers on their wings or the coloring on them? I can post pictures later.

I suppose it depends on where you get them. Hatchery sexing is supposed to be around 90% accurate, give or take a little. But, and no offense to them but the chain feed stores are worst about this, sometimes straight run chicks get put into the 'pullet' bin on accident. It seems like a lot of the time the store employees don't really know for sure what they are getting or looking at. I have seen this happen pretty often.
How accurate are hatcheries at sexing chicks for stores? I have some EE chicks that are about 2 to 3 weeks old and I wanted all pullets and this was the first time I bought chicks from the store. I know that all chicks are hard to sex but I am new to EE's, I usually just raise silkies but my husband wanted a few more blue egg layers. Can you tell by the feathers on their wings or the coloring on them? I can post pictures later.
I don't know but I've had terrible luck.

My first 4 chicks were EEs, supposedly sexed pullets. One ended up a roo.

My next batch I ordered 16 assorted brown egg layers and split it with a friend. Lucky me ended up with the only roo in that lot too.

Oddly...when I pulled two ducklings out of the straight run bin I managed to grab two girls, LOL.
I'm leaning toward girl, also. I look at the wings before I buy at the local feed stores. I try to get the ones with the most feathers on the wings even in the pullets. And cross my fingers.

How can you tell if the are girls or boys at this age?

There is a thread on sexing EE's which is great. I have a lot of them and can usually tell fairly soon. Girls will feather out faster, get their tail faster, and be have even coloring . Boys will be slower in getting tails, and shoulder feathers, and they will get a more splotchy coloring - more uneven and often red tones, especially on their shoulders and often chest area. this one is still a bit young, but another couple of weeks it should start becoming more apparent!

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