Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I have tried repeatedly to purchase Easter Egger Hens but they always turn out to be males. I have two chicks now and I like them both. What do you think? I think black one is a hen. I don't know about the other one.

@Countrywantabe - I have doubt about the light brown/grey chicken. The feather pattern is female, however, the body structure is male: the high and wide shoulders, and tall legs. It also has a large pink comb. The tail does not look rooish yet, but it could be...soon. I think this one might be a male. Please update when you know for sure.
Wow, what a great thread this is for newbies, like me. I have two EE's that are about 8 weeks old that we hatched from eggs. After reading this thread I think I have one roo and one pullet. Please take a look and let me know what you think. I took 3 pics of each. I think the first one is a pullet and the second is a roo.

I think you have two boys. It looks like a red comb already and patchy coloring on the top one.
Countrywantabe, both pullets. The buff-gray is a female look -- no young rooster ever looked like that. The gray is harder to be 100% sure about but it looks very feminine.

chickenbutte, both cockerels. #1 is slower to develop but that is too much comb and too splotchy to be a pullet.
I took another pic of my white EE today because I am still wondering about her. I posted some pics of her earlier but there was not a decent comb shot. Is she still looking like a pullet?

I took another pic of my white EE today because I am still wondering about her. I posted some pics of her earlier but there was not a decent comb shot. Is she still looking like a pullet?

How old is s/he in this pic? The comb is looking pretty pink, but it's hard to trust color on computer monitors. When you look at the face in profile, is the comb visible? (sticking up?)
They don't all develop the same, of course, but you can compare to the pics below to see if it looks more like a male or female.

8 wk pullet. The ridge down the center is noticeable, but still has a low profile. Pale peachy-pink.

Cockerel (single comb pullets on either side). His comb is raspberry colored and shows up in profile.

Same boy from the front. The comb looks puffy, for lack of a better word.

The male really stands out at this age.
I'm trying to figure these guys out, maybe you can help. They are Marans over EE. 2 have barely any comb to speak of. 2 have combs that are growing and tail feathers that droop down. Are they Roos?


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