Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

My ee is 10 weeks. It just started to get some tan color on its back. I am not sure if it is a pullet.
My ee is 10 weeks. It just started to get some tan color on its back. I am not sure if it is a pullet.
Yes, she's a pullet. Very pretty too! At 10 weeks a cockerel would have a much redder and larger comb. Her coloring may change as she matures, but the tan color is very evenly spread out, which is a trait of pullets. Deep brick red patches on the wings is a cockerel trait.
I see what FVRM was saying about the tail, but I'm still not seeing enough true roo traits to write that one off at this point. The orange one looks like a hen as well. The patches on the wings aren't dark enough to say rooster at this point... They both need more time to tell for sure
Thanks. I'm happy regardless. Having two dominant roosters in wIth them right now could be causing a delay in characteristics developing. :) they're staying regardless. I'm just dying to know xD
These are my two Easter Eggers that came from the feed store. They were both supposed to be pullets, but that is not the case. The red one is the most stunning of all our chicks, and he is a cockerel. He began crowing last week when he turned 5 weeks old. Now at 6 weeks old you can really see a difference in his comb compared to his "sister".

He also has a long tail, which is hard to see in my pics. He NEVER holds still.

The pullet: short rounder tail, yellow pea comb (and doesn't crow

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