Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

That would be fantastic. So far I have not had the best luck with getting pullets. Lets just say I will have a very full freezer this fall... Finally some good news!
have 2 EE that are basically black/white....but now they are adding a buff coloring to their feathers...pretty much all over. Another black/white added buff on her breast so I know that one is a she... but these two......I have no idea? Do roos add the buff markings? This picture does not show it.. was taken before they started turning.............. Never had EE's before....LOL....can you tell !?
I got this chick from someone who won it from a feed store and couldn't keep it. I think I know what the other 2 chicks are that came with it, but this one is driving me nuts. I've had a few people on here tell me its a beardless, cheekless EE Rooster, but it has yellow legs. I have EEs and they are all bearded, slate or green legs and puffy cheeks.

Do you guys think this is an EE

I got this chick from someone who won it from a feed store and couldn't keep it. I think I know what the other 2 chicks are that came with it, but this one is driving me nuts. I've had a few people on here tell me its a beardless, cheekless EE Rooster, but it has yellow legs. I have EEs and they are all bearded, slate or green legs and puffy cheeks. Do you guys think this is an EE
I don't think this is an EE. But it does look like a rooster. But I couldn't tell ya what breed...
I don't think this is an EE. But it does look like a rooster. But I couldn't tell ya what breed...

Well I didn't think it was an EE, but I've had several people tell me its an EE. I sure hope its not a Rooster, but oh well. She was told that the 2 LF where pullets and then a mystery bantam. I'm sure the other one that came with is is a GLC, and then an JB. but this one I have no idea what it could be.
Okay, I put off asking because I was hoping that after studying this thread long enough the answer would hit me - like a bolt out of the blue! But I give up. Please, is Pearl a girl, or will I lose my joy because she's a boy? Pictures taken between 9 and 10 weeks. I also have another that I'm not sure of, Gladys, but she can wait for another day.

Sorry, didn't realize this one was so blurry until after I posted it. Thanks for your help!
Okay, I put off asking because I was hoping that after studying this thread long enough the answer would hit me - like a bolt out of the blue! But I give up. Please, is Pearl a girl, or will I lose my joy because she's a boy? Pictures taken between 9 and 10 weeks. I also have another that I'm not sure of, Gladys, but she can wait for another day. Sorry, didn't realize this one was so blurry until after I posted it. Thanks for your help!
Sorry to break it to ya.but that is a roo... Do u see the red blotchy patches coming in on the shoulder/wong area. That is an indicator of a roo. Also the comb is looking a little red..(edited to say) also if u notice the feathers around the neck and the feathers growing by the tail feathers are all pointy. Hens feathers are rounded...
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