Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Next question: when did everybody's EE start laying? :0)

My earliest was 19 weeks (1) my latest was at about 26 weeks (6).  There is no set time.  It varies in each breed. I think the standard answer for EE eggs is "Too long" because we are all waiting to see what color the eggs are going to be!
it really depends on their exposure to light. Mine have a lot of influence from the time the sun comes up. She was 3 days away from 18 weeks.

It's from last Thursday. The little, blue one on the right.
The middle egg is a fake muddy egg. The mud is real, the egg is fake.
The one on the left came from my one day shy of 17 week old red sex link Kirby today was her first egg. I sat with them both when they laid, but I missed it actually happening lol.

Btw, it's the peak of summer here, I suspect on the other side of the world, the opposite is happening! "Why aren't my hens laying" lol.
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My earliest was 19 weeks (1) my latest was at about 26 weeks (6).  There is no set time.  It varies in each breed. I think the standard answer for EE eggs is "Too long" because we are all waiting to see what color the eggs are going to be!
Exactly!! Lol. This is my first flock so I'm not only anticipating my first egg period but curious about the colors too. I have 3EE, 3BO, 3 barred rocks and 3RIR(1roo)
it really depends on their exposure to light. Mine have a lot of influence from the time the sun comes up. She was 3 days away from 18 weeks.

It's from last Thursday. The little, blue one on the right.
The middle egg is a fake muddy egg. The mud is real, the egg is fake.
The one on the left came from my one day shy of 17 week old red sex link Kirby today was her first egg. I sat with them both when they laid, but I missed it actually happening lol.

Btw, it's the peak of summer here, I suspect on the other side of the world, the opposite is happening! "Why aren't my hens laying" lol.
Very Pretty!! My first flock is almost 16 weeks, so I know it's still early but also not impossible to be seeing eggs in the next few weeks. My barred rocks combs are starting to redden, my buff Orps combs and wattles are really red! RIR and EE are still pretty pink.
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It's been a little while and I thought I would post some new pictures of Ember and Cinder to get some ideas on their genders.

So....any ideas on if they are pullets or not? Every other picture I have posted so far makes Cinder look really red but I don't think "she's" that red in person (or in chicken, as the case may be)
Next question: when did everybody's EE start laying? :0)
Mine laid about 24 weeks if I remember correctly.

Which speaking of laying....my girl was laying an egg every other day. However, it's now been 3 days with no green egg. She's not broody, it's summer so she's getting plenty of air and light and fresh veggies and run outside time. She's about 15 months now - are we due for a molt?
Lol, thank you FVRM. I'm new to chickens but I did know that. My question was in regards to some pictures I posted. They are being identified as pullets and I was wondering what was "seen" that identified them as pullets instead of Roos.
oh okay. Well the first thing i noticed about your pullets were the rounded tails.And they also have no bright male coloring or patterns. They do have big combs but they only have one row of bumps in the middle.
I just followed up on the thread, someone already answered before me lol
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