Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

So, I have an update on my two EE's. Still not positive on their genders. However, I've just recently caught Cinder starting to squat just a little bit and her comb has really gotten red lately. Here is Cinder:

However, still no signs one way or the other for Ember:

"She" is relatively quiet and gentle. And is always with Cinder! They should be about the same age, so I just don't know what to think with Ember.

Any ideas?
Be patient. You WILL get eggs from both of them. My pullets started laying between 6-7 months, and one was even later than that. Yes, very late compared to some others. Do post pics of their first eggs for us to see. Hope you get pretty green or blue.
Be patient. You WILL get eggs from both of them. My pullets started laying between 6-7 months, and one was even later than that. Yes, very late compared to some others.  Do post pics of their first eggs for us to see. Hope you get pretty green or blue.

Thanks for the timing info. I guess they may have a couple more months to go. I was kinda wondering since my BR laid her first egg exactly at 4 months, my BO a week after that, and my SLW and New Hampshire Red a couple weeks after that (and the 4 of them are all the same age). So, I will just keep my fingers crossed! :)
Quote: I have ahen that has that "wind blown" look but i call it "the Farrah Fawsett look". Right now however she doesn't look that good and hopefully the Farrah Fawsett look will return when she gets done molting.

And EE's sometimes take longer than other hatchery birds. I started getting a first egg from my pullet at 6 months old. They truely are like a box of chocolates....feather colors, feather patterns, behaviors, and start of egg laying & color of egg.


Here is one of my 3 week old females? She is from an assorted rare breed package. Any thoughts? She's looking more like a he to me.

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We hatched out chicks just over five weeks ago, the ones I was sure were girls have a new home, but we have been hanging onto this little one because I wasn't sure and didn't want to give someone a roo. They are backyard mixes, but this one hatched from a green egg and has a pea comb, so at least one EE parent. Yellow legs though, and no beard. Any guesses on gender? We have been calling it Sunny and saying girl, but I'm leaning roo at this point.It's tough b/c I don't know the mix that made this one for sure, although I think the other parent may have been a welsummer.

side shot to show feathering

up close of comb, appears to be a pea or modified pea, three rows but the middle is very dominant and the two outer much smaller

legs are pretty think, although I don't find legs to be a very accurate predictor, I have some hens with very thick legs and a roo from the prior hatch with thin, feminine looking legs.

So what do you guys think? I'm giving him/her a few weeks to be sure regardless, because we had a "for sure" roo last hatch that is a hen, and a questionable that turned out to be a roo. No specific roo behavior from this one, no waddles yet, huge chick (has been since it hatched). Thanks for any opinions!
We hatched out chicks just over five weeks ago, the ones I was sure were girls have a new home, but we have been hanging onto this little one because I wasn't sure and didn't want to give someone a roo. They are backyard mixes, but this one hatched from a green egg and has a pea comb, so at least one EE parent. Yellow legs though, and no beard. Any guesses on gender? We have been calling it Sunny and saying girl, but I'm leaning roo at this point.It's tough b/c I don't know the mix that made this one for sure, although I think the other parent may have been a welsummer.

side shot to show feathering

up close of comb, appears to be a pea or modified pea, three rows but the middle is very dominant and the two outer much smaller

legs are pretty think, although I don't find legs to be a very accurate predictor, I have some hens with very thick legs and a roo from the prior hatch with thin, feminine looking legs.

So what do you guys think? I'm giving him/her a few weeks to be sure regardless, because we had a "for sure" roo last hatch that is a hen, and a questionable that turned out to be a roo. No specific roo behavior from this one, no waddles yet, huge chick (has been since it hatched). Thanks for any opinions!
Looking at this EE, I'm feeling rooster as well. The comb seems like my boys' did at that age, and the coloring on his back is looking somewhat patchy.
Thanks for the input! I'm pretty sure Sunny will be Sonny pretty soon! Too bad I can't keep a roo, he has a very sweet personality, my last two little roos were very bossy and would even peck us as early as three weeks old! I'm sure he will end up on a dinner table, since he is a mix and he is going to be a huge. As long as he isn't crowing, we will let him grow out and see how he turns out.

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