Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

mama2molly, she's beautiful!

Wishing4Wings, you got me thinking... I went back out and took pics of the wing. I'm waiting for them to upload. It does look splotchy, but what do I know lol. Actually of the EE patterned chicks look to be the same pattern. I hope you all don't mind if I post the other wing shots. The other two have single combs, so nothing really to look at there, but I do have pics of all of them.
I have 2 Easters about 13 weeks old that I think are girls but would like some better opinions.

Berger - a small pea comb with 3 small rows of bumps (brothers had large combs over a month ago)

Berger again

Buttersoctch - Small single pale comb (Bicken the chicken on the right)
Bicken has some kind of issue, she stopped growing and has had soft poops for the last month. - she has started eating and growing again. I think she might have got herself tangled in some fencing and and hurt her neck or throat and she wasn't eating well for several weeks - she was losing weight and was just skin and bones. She seems to be on the mend now)

Buttersoctch - saddle feathers????


My 4 yr old son says I now must put a smiley face so here goes.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts, but what about the chick says roo? Just wondering so I can know what to watch. This isn't my first batch of chicks, and certainly not my first EE. It's always fun to watch them grow, but nerve racking when your favorite starts to look like a roo. That's how it always goes with mine lol.

I thought it looked like the comb was a bit bigger at that little of an age. Post back again in a couple weeks to get a better idea.
Ok, last pics. I have a blue and red hen that everyone here thought was a boy, so I know there's a few more weeks left to guess.
These four were taken today.

These are the other two.

This one taken on day 17
The first pic was taken at about 17 days, and the other two were from yesterday at 20 days. I got a better look at the comb today, but of course didn't have a camera. It's just slightly protruding at the top, and didn't look pink. All of my comb pics look worse than they actually are, so I always that into consideration. Also, to get the pic from yesterday, I had to chase it around a bit which had the mother upset, so that could explain the stance. I can't go by the pattern because it doesn't seem to have a smooth set of wing feathers yet. It looks like they're still pooping through to me, so maybe that's why I don't see a splotchy pattern. So I do understand that it's hard to tell just by a picture. They're not the best quality, so I will get more pics with a real camera. However, I was watching them all today and noticed that this one and another one had more erect tails, (if that means anything) while the other two didn't. I've been meaning to ask how raising a cockerel with a roo would work, so I will keep that in mind as well. I really can't see rehoming this one lol, so I hope it works out.
Here's another from day 17. I'll keep an eye on the patterning though.
mama2molly, she's beautiful!

Wishing4Wings, you got me thinking... I went back out and took pics of the wing. I'm waiting for them to upload. It does look splotchy, but what do I know lol. Actually of the EE patterned chicks look to be the same pattern. I hope you all don't mind if I post the other wing shots. The other two have single combs, so nothing really to look at there, but I do have pics of all of them.

The new pics are great, but I'd still just be guessing. Sometimes what seems like a splotchy pattern on a wing is really part of an overall pattern. EEs are tricky, there's so much variation, and the barnyard mixed EEs seem even more difficult for me to tell. Still not sure what to think of your pretty one, but more hopeful after looking at mama2molly's pullet. The comb going red (or not) might be your next best clue, that and dark red wings. Usually starts around 5 weeks.
sharol, I will get a better one tomorrow. I only see one little ridge, but maybe more experience people can see more...

This is the red and blue (a lot prettier now) that everyone thought was a boy. She gives me hope!
I'm still learning this whole chicken sexing thing, but I'm leaning towards pullet on this one. Comb looks pretty pale yet, coloring seems even to me, no blotchyness. I don't see any pointy feathers on it. So I think girl.

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