Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Looks like a big pullet. Hopefully she will lay big eggs! At 8½ weeks the comb would be larger and redder if a cockerel. Also she has the even pullet pattern. (No patches of color.)

Forgot to say that often the friendliest birds are males!
I second this. Looks like a big girl to me.
Picked up a bunch of EEs at various RKs this year. All of them were different colors when I picked them up, but most of them seem to be feathering out in the usual girl pattern (gold heads, penciling, incomplete transverse striping). One was almost pure cream when I picked it up:

I'm suspecting a red pyle roo. No puffy cheeks or beard. Blue eyes. Legs are very slowly turning green (had been pink for a long time). It's 4wks old. Most of my EEs look like the one in the back right of the last pic. Comb suddenly turned bright pink and larger overnight. Very shy bird and doesn't like handling much. Breast colors are coming in completely white. Initially had feathered quickly like the others, but now it and a very small supposedly standard Brahma are slowing down in the feathering department.

The smaller one next to the water fountain is the one I'm really interested in in this pic. Has cream-laced black breast feathers and cream and black stripes on its back. Greenish shanks. Same age as the first chick. The bigger chicks are one week older. Both chicks were sexed to be pullets, but I think they're both roos (along with one Brahma and the buff Orpington
Training tip:
Try sitting out there with them & let them take mealworms from your hand. Don't even bother trying to catch them, just let them get used to you as a source of delicious treats. Soon, you'll have them jumping up into your lap & following you around the yard.

I've never had to chase a chicken. I make them come to me.
Here's what mine do when they see me coming or hear me call:

If you do not have time for training, picking them up at night when they're roosting is another way to catch them easily.
Mine are not scare of me AT ALL which is not always a good thing like for example when I have to scare them away from the garden. I literally have to push and shove each one away. but they HATE being picked up.
Picked up a bunch of EEs at various RKs this year. All of them were different colors when I picked them up, but most of them seem to be feathering out in the usual girl pattern (gold heads, penciling, incomplete transverse striping). One was almost pure cream when I picked it up:

I'm suspecting a red pyle roo. No puffy cheeks or beard. Blue eyes. Legs are very slowly turning green (had been pink for a long time). It's 4wks old. Most of my EEs look like the one in the back right of the last pic. Comb suddenly turned bright pink and larger overnight. Very shy bird and doesn't like handling much. Breast colors are coming in completely white. Initially had feathered quickly like the others, but now it and a very small supposedly standard Brahma are slowing down in the feathering department.

The smaller one next to the water fountain is the one I'm really interested in in this pic. Has cream-laced black breast feathers and cream and black stripes on its back. Greenish shanks. Same age as the first chick. The bigger chicks are one week older. Both chicks were sexed to be pullets, but I think they're both roos (along with one Brahma and the buff Orpington

Yup, they both look to be cockerels.

The top one reminds me of my EE cockerel. Yellow "pullet" chick turned into
13-14 weeks

8 weeks

7-8 weeks

few days old, bottom left (you can see the cheeks)

Ooops, forgot to say your other chick in question looks like a cockerel due to the coloring. Solid white patches on the wings are boys.
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Okay, I'm going to try this too. Mine are only 2 1/2ish weeks old but they are starting to get their big chick feathers. Bought at TSC when they were on clearance for a mere 25 cents!

Great clear pics, great deal, & adorable chicks. There's really no way to tell gender at this age. Some will show gender indicators as early as 4 weeks; some may take until 6-8 weeks. Try to continue to take pics often (They grow quickly!!), and please post updated pics in 1-2 weeks.

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