Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Hi guys lurker here, hoping ya'll can help me.
Tomorrow i'm going to pick up some easter eggers
at my local feed store. From what I understand pea
combs seem to be related to the colorful egg laying gene.
Is that right? If so how do you tell apart combs in chicks
only a few days old?

That's a good question. I think a pea comb looks wider in a chick, but it's obscured by the chick fuzz. EEs from the big hatcheries usually have pea combs, so don't pick the unusual one that looks different (comb-wise) from the others. Look for fuzzy cheeks too. (Doesn't have any connection to blue shells, but they're cuter!
) The feed store will probably have other chicks, so best bet would be to look at single comb breeds and compare to the EEs.

Oh, and in EEs, those 2 genes are located very close on the chromosome, so statically are most often passed on together. It is possible for them to become separated during the production of the sex cells, they aren't linked, so you will get pea comb hens laying brown eggs, it's just not as common. Kind of depends on the hatchery breeding program. If all parent stock has peas and blue shells, all the offspring will also. You start breeding in other genetics, you'll get different results, if not immediately, then in later generations. That's why most of them lay green eggs- some brown genes got added in at some point.
Thank you for the help! We were worried that Bellachix was a cockerel, but maybe she's just well endowed. Also, ghostface, blondie, and bellachix have beards, but ghostface's is really big, are they different breeds? These were sold to us as 1 day old Easter Egger chicks on January 10th, but I might have grabbed a mix.
Neither one a definite cockerel.  Pics of combs are a bit unfocused, but I think at this age the width of the comb is less important than how raised it is.  If the comb is prominently visible in a profile view, it's more likely male.  I would wait another week before deciding on these two.  Would not be surprised if both are pullets, but I'm just not sure.

Your birds sure are tough ones!  :)    #4 looks more cockerel, #3 more pullet, but I'm not confident with either.
Thank you! And yes they are driving me crazy ! One day I think ones a pullet then a week later I think cockerel ?! I'm debating another rooster cause I plan on letting my broody do her job when ever she wants. I'm not informed enough on genetics. I'm guessing he is the one who contributes color? And or comb?
here he is and he's such a great Roo! Maybe I need to ask the genetics thread about him. Thanks again ! I'll give it another week. Then I'll be back to bug everyone with more pictures.
Both are cockerels. I'm confused on who's who. cockerel, based on comb looks like a pullet based on comb pullet if it's the same chicken cockerel pullet
The last two pictures are different chicks. The one has a dark head and flat black comb the other is a bit pinker and thinner. I'm so confused on this batch! Unless anyone has any other opinions I'll try again next week. What age is the best to determine gender? Thank you so much!
Thank you for the help!  We were worried that Bellachix was a cockerel, but maybe she's just well endowed.  Also, ghostface, blondie, and bellachix have beards, but ghostface's is really big, are they different breeds?  These were sold to us as 1 day old Easter Egger chicks on January 10th, but I might have grabbed a mix.

I have two bearded EE and one non-bearded EE. They are all sisters of the same parents. My unbearded girl lays the bluest egg, close to a Tiffany blue. Some happen to get beards, some don't. They're all pretty though!

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