Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Most every chicken goes through small and weird eggs as they get used to laying. You may get soft shell or no shell or tiny or mishapen eggs. They usually get normal after the first month or so.
Most every chicken goes through small and weird eggs as they get used to laying. You may get soft shell or no shell or tiny or mishapen eggs. They usually get normal after the first month or so.

Thank you that's good to hear. My other chickens never really had weird eggs I guess that's why I wasn't sure and this is my first EE also.

I got my first EE egg today but it is really small for the size of the chicken. I put it next to a SLW egg. Is it because it's the first egg and they might get bigger? My silkie eggs are that same size.
This is the chicken that layed it.
Yes, a pullet's first eggs are usually small and will slowly increase in size. Beautiful egg and beautiful girl!
I just want to know if I'm seeing 3 rows of peas here, I've never had a EE before so I just want to confirm what I'm looking at. I've included the original picture, and one that shows the contrast and shape a little better.

Thank you!



Body shots:



Are there clear cut pictures on this thread of the three bump / one bump male/female thing? Also, is this purely an EE trait, or can other breeds be sexed like this?
Yes, all breeds that have pea combs can be sexed this way, (but there are exceptions to the rule) as far as I know.
Since EE's are basically ''mutt'' birds, and may be crossed with other breeds with other comb types, the rule doesn't really work that well for them. From what I've read, there is not any real reliable way to sex EE's, even wing and vent sexing is not super accurate. One thing about EE's, they like to keep you guessing till the end.
OK, the comb looks to be 3 rows, but that color is all girl. I would withhold judgment on this one for a little while. As an old joke (don't remember the joke, just the punchline) said, "It could go EITHER way."
Ok my chick sexing experts. What about this one?



6 week old EE/buff silkie cross

And just for your viewing pleasure my escapees


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