Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Before I found this thread, I started one for my suspect roo. I figured I'd post the pics here too in case it becomes helpful to others. 4 months old, purchased as pullet and hopefully is but I have my doubts.


Before I found this thread, I started one for my suspect roo. I figured I'd post the pics here too in case it becomes helpful to others. 4 months old, purchased as pullet and hopefully is but I have my doubts.

Yeah, that's a roo :( sorry
Hi all! I'd love to get some opinions on my 7 week old easter egger chicks. There are 7 there all together, sorry about the pictures, they are very camera shy and the only way I could get near them was to sprinkle oatmeal over the ground in front of me and they still wouldn't come close enough for really good pictures. There are 4 black and whites (I think the whitest one is a girl and one is an obvious roo with a big red comb already, the other two look really similar, one has darker grey muffs and the other's muffs are lighter, thinking boys), one all white (boy?), one all black (boy?) and one grey patterned (pretty sure it's a girl). Last year I hatched out 7, 6 were boys and I was totally in denial on 4 of them until I posted on byc! Found good home for them last year, but this year I'm making an appointment for "processing", so I'd like to give her a number. Thanks!

"Dark grey muffs":

"Light grey muffs":

Black guy top and side photos:

(The one behind the black on is one that I think is a girl)

"Dark grey muffs" from the top:

The all white one, doing a nice rooster stance for the photo!

White guy with his? head down in the middle, I think the one on the left is a girl and the other one is basically hiding behind the bush!

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