Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

@clairabelle75 said

Thanks Milliefleur! I'll update you all with pictures in a couple of weeks, I just needed to give the processing lady a number (I said five, but I guess we'll see), won't be done until middle of September when they're about 17 weeks, gotta get 'em done before the crowing starts this time, but hopefully they'll still be a good size & we're not really up for doing it ourselves.


LOL. I have a 5 week old shrieking his lungs out. 17 weeks and beating the crowing? Not sure that will happen.
@clairabelle75 said

Thanks Milliefleur! I'll update you all with pictures in a couple of weeks, I just needed to give the processing lady a number (I said five, but I guess we'll see), won't be done until middle of September when they're about 17 weeks, gotta get 'em done before the crowing starts this time, but hopefully they'll still be a good size & we're not really up for doing it ourselves.


LOL. I have a 5 week old shrieking his lungs out. 17 weeks and beating the crowing? Not sure that will happen.
I don't know, I have a 18 week old Brahma that crowed a bunch one day a week ago and then once then next couple days and hasn't crowed since....
I don't know, I have a 18 week old Brahma that crowed a bunch one day a week ago and then once then next couple days and hasn't crowed since....

I have a 3 Y/O BA that crows ... and has been laying eggs for the last 2.5 years
She didn't start crowing until this spring. Don't know what is going on there but as long as she keeps laying, it is OK
I have an 11 week old that is attempting to crow (has been for a few weeks), but the others are not making a peep. I keep thinking his crowing will prompt the others to start - but nothing yet.
I do think Echo is an outlier on the crowing thing. Of the 6 breeds of chicken I have (well, had, no more Partridge Chanteclers) all make different noises but they are all "chicken sounding" noises. EXCEPT Echo. She squeals, she bugles, she crows but she doesn't often sound like a chicken hen.
My19 week old Brahma is too funny, he crows a bunch of times before he leaves the roost but not another one after so far. He is too busy being bullied by the 4 older hens once he gets up...mind you he towers over them at this point. He also makes a big bark sound every once in awhile out of the blue (we have dogs that occasionally bark). My EE's though I only get the smallest trill out of them....unless I am trying to catch them, then they scream like girls.
ok all, I have a comb question. I was perusing this morning and mention of combs reminded me that the colored egg goes with the pea comb...so does Easter have a pea comb?
I am pretty sure that Wester does but they do look different to my untrained eye....

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