Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

yes i read the first few pages and i do hear of gold splotches as being a roo feature but...everything about this chick is saying hen except that coloring that is why i'm wondering i guess :/ these chickens are my arch nemesis :)
This top one with the black and yellow-ish color has a single comn no red patches obviously.
The black one is the one I'm questioning so any thoughts there would be great! Once again also has a single comb
This little lady is from the old English game mixed with an EE Roo just curious if she looks like a pullet?
I had a EE Roo hatched out a bunch of eggs! Being I had 4 broodys at once I hatched out over 40 chicks. I kept 6 I believe are pullets with the exception of the dark black one. I'm really borderline on that one in particular. Here are the best pictures I could get if anybody has any opinions on their gender. I thank you in advance and sorry for the overload on pics!
she has a single comb andvery friendly and a very even pattern with no brick
red [IMsMG] here is a random picture of the three of them I'm sorry not the best picture of their combs. The good thing is they do all have single comes RP comes I should say. This bottom picture has the last of the 6 th in the far back. She's very skittish and hard to get a hold of! Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated and like I said before none of them have a brick red pattern there I'll even pattern except for that black one thank you in advance!!
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Funny that this post is still growing, but we came across it today as we were out with our girls. Our new gals are about 3.5 months old and we think one of our EE might not be a she... would love for a yay or nay to help us settle the matter. I am guessing based on previous conversations because of her coloring and comb that she is in fact a he. No spurs and no crowing yet...but that can still change. Love to hear your thoughts... This was the best photo I could get of her/him today.

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Funny that this post is still growing, but we came across it today as we were out with our girls. Our new gals are about 3.5 months old and we think one of our EE might not be a she... would love for a yay or nay to help us settle the matter. I am guessing based on previous conversations because of her coloring and comb that she is in fact a he. No spurs and no crowing yet...but that can still change. Love to hear your thoughts... This was the best photo I could get of her/him today.

That is definitely a boy.
7 weeks old...still trying to figure this one out. the coloring has me confused and i'm not sure by looking at the combs. only three hatched out of this clutch and one is totally a roo...beautiful colors and big comb and giant feet. these two confuse me though. small combs, small feet but their coloring is confusing me and i'm just not sure! see how small this one is compared to the rooster that hatched with it? to the left of the picture
I think they may both be pullets. The second one definitely. The first one is still fence riding for me just because of the color in the comb and it being slightly more pronounced than the obvious pullet in the last two pictures. My first batch of EEs were so easy to tell, but I have a second batch that a few aren't so clear cut. Keep us posted!

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