Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

It's best to use the quote button so the person knows what you are referring to. Quote button is in the lower right corner of every post. Welcome to BYC! Do you have EEs?
Thank you, yes i just clicked reply on the post i was replying to, but that meant I couldnt even find my own post - lol! Ok ,the post I was referring to in my original post (#9934) was by Featherz, post #400 (p40), who posted a stunning picture of her 18 week EE pullet. I hope that makes it a bit clearer. Couldn't find an obvious way to edit my previous post so hope this makes some sense :-(
Thanks W4W for your help, and yes I do have some EE's and some Araucanas (the EE's are mostly the offspring of the Araucana's). I have one particular very feisty 12yr old black Araucana, Angelina, she is still going strong and lays a beautiful blue egg every other day - she is amazing! she is not very people freindly but has defied even the vets predictions, survived Mareks, coccidiosis and Choryza, whilst others sadly didnt. So am a huge fan of these reliable birds. I absolutely love this thread and have already spent many hours learning from it , and am only up to post #500 or so, so have a LOT of learning left to do! Thanks to all for this thread, invaluable
Here's a cool EE pullet for the samples.
Huge black beard AND little wattles, mixed up comb and small and stubby. Love it!

18 weeks old..


Here's an earlier pic, I think this was 8ish weeks or so. She is very shy and hard to get a decent pic of!
I'll see if I can find a younger one also.


I had to go back to see. Very beautiful shape. Wonder what the cross was, maybe a plymouth rock. I think featherz is still active on BYC. You can contact her directly by sending a personal message. Go back to the original post and scroll over her user name and a menu pops up with one option to send a PM. Click the little green arrow at the top of this post (next to "Originally Posted by featherz") and it will take you back to her original post. Took me years to discover that trick!

Your Araucana hen sounds amazing! Still laying at 12 years must be a record. Good genetic material there. Hope you have lots of her offspring!
Mine are 20 weeks yesterday and not laying yet. The wite ones have pea combs they don't let me get near them right now because I separated them from the roosters which ended up with 13 ouch. So culling is a must. Still wondering about a few of ees but no crowing yet.
I had to go back to see. Very beautiful shape. Wonder what the cross was, maybe a plymouth rock. I think featherz is still active on BYC. You can contact her directly by sending a personal message. Go back to the original post and scroll over her user name and a menu pops up with one option to send a PM. Click the little green arrow at the top of this post (next to "Originally Posted by featherz") and it will take you back to her original post. Took me years to discover that trick!

Your Araucana hen sounds amazing! Still laying at 12 years must be a record. Good genetic material there. Hope you have lots of her offspring!

I am still here, although I am working a lot so not posting as much. I can't remember what her cross was, actually - I *think* I had speckled sussex then so she might be crossed there x EE. She is still with me, but has lost an eye and sits around a lot, so she now has the name 'loaf'. :)
I had ordered 5 ee,s from McM. They are 18 weeks. What is really weird I have white ones but the look like my Jerseys I ordered. The rooster is diffently not a ee because he has a single comb and a lot bigger than my EE,s. But I have two whites that I am not sure because I only ordered five.

2 different shots won't stand still long enough

These two have green legs but not sure because I was told they could be giants. No beards or puffs

If the white ones have green legs they are NOT White Rocks. I got 2 WRs, 3 EEs and 2 Black Jersey Giants (that were supposed to be Black Australorps) from Meyer on June 11th. The WRs have VERY yellow/orangish legs (similar to the bottom of the feet of BJGs). But the heads and bodies of your birds look similar to my WRs so maybe half the cross was WR. As noted above, EEs do not HAVE to have muffs or beards though it is generally considered to be a desirable trait. They also don't HAVE to lay blue or green eggs. They might be tan or pinkish.

The white one with the black "shawl" and tail feathers is a Colombian pattern, doesn't tell you what the parents are though.

At 18 weeks, they are all pullets, which do you think is a rooster? There would be definite combs and hackle feathers on a rooster that age and it would probably be crowing.

I'll take a picture of them standing alone today but they are both so flighty.. I've had them since chicks and regularly give them treats but they really do not like humans, lol.
I read everyone's experiences on here and I can't be that unlucky..? They even convinced my Australorp around their age that humans cannot be trusted. I've heard bth
breeds were the sweetest that why I got them three ): They'll only have treats from me if I throw it and always keep a distance of at least 5 feet.

Anyway, that's why I had to hold them for the picture and trust me, they had to be cornered to get these pictures but I'll try again!

I got 2 EEs 3 years ago, they were both somewhat standoffish. Lost one to a fox in April last year. Still have the other, still standoffish. I give my birds BOSS every morning. With some of them I can hand feed if they are in the nest box (so they don't miss out since they are producing!) but the EE will leave the nest if I do that. The 3 new EEs are also not likely to get real close. Of my 2 BAs, one is very friendly (she is a food mooch) the other not so much though I can give her BOSS on the nest. She raised the 7 chicks from day three and one of the Faverolles joined in to help when they were about 1.5 weeks old (after I let her out of the broody buster). I don't know if the chicks would be less standoffish if they had been raised by the other BA.

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