Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Actually that was all a very long time ago.
Family has moved around a bit, but we've all been up north of San Francisco for over 45 yrs now.
There should be a thread for southern CA. Have you looked in the "I am Here. Where are you?" forum? Good to know the enablers near you!
You were right about that little gray bird of mine, 'Mister E"
She layed a very robin's egg blue color egg- so she is now officially female.

With that tail, I really wasn't sure!

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ok here is an update my chickens are now 15 weeks and i'm still clueless as to what they are :) both are small like hens, have small petite feet and barely any comb. both have rooster coloring though so i'm just all sorts of confused!!!

i dont see saddle feathers?

no comb really, small feet
The 2 in question are both pullets, they are just stretching the "rules" a bit so can be confusing if you aren't used to looking for the clues.
The cockerel in the bottom left of the 2nd pic is showing the real rooster red color and thin sharply pointed male saddle feathers. Your first pullet is more gold brown than red and it is an overall pattern, extending down to the tail, so does not look like a male EE pattern. The second pullet seems to have less rounded hackles than the first, and the black pattern makes them look even more pointy, but if you put your finger under the feather, you will see the lighter color rimming the black that rounds them off. If you compare to the boy standing next to her, his hackles will be thinner as well as pointed. Neither pullet has any sign of male saddles. They are both unique looking. Very cute and I love that big grey beard!
Actually that was all a very long time ago.
Family has moved around a bit, but we've all been up north of San Francisco for over 45 yrs now.
There should be a thread for southern CA. Have you looked in the "I am Here. Where are you?" forum? Good to know the enablers near you!
I have!! I am in that thread, actually! I've always wanted to visit San Francisco.. I heard it's beautiful up there and you guys have many start up techs ever since the technology boom up there! Lucky you!! Are the people nicer? Some people down here tend be a bit superficial and it really drags my soul down. I've never been one to be caught up in materialistic things and it's really hard to find friends that care more about how a persons soul is rather than their looks and finances
The 2 in question are both pullets, they are just stretching the "rules" a bit so can be confusing if you aren't used to looking for the clues.
The cockerel in the bottom left of the 2nd pic is showing the real rooster red color and thin sharply pointed male saddle feathers.  Your first pullet is more gold brown than red and it is an overall pattern, extending down to the tail, so does not look like a male EE pattern.  The second pullet seems to have less rounded hackles than the first, and the black pattern makes them look even more pointy, but if you put your finger under the feather, you will see the lighter color rimming the black that rounds them off.  If you compare to the boy standing next to her, his hackles will be thinner as well as pointed.  Neither pullet has any sign of male saddles.  They are both unique looking.  Very cute and I love that big grey beard!

Awesome thank you so much!!!!!!
Dang! Why didn't Meyer send me 2 Cockatoos instead of 2 Black Jersey Giants when I ordered Black Australorps?? Cockatoos are quite expensive and long lived, though not the best layers by all accounts. Here are my now 10 week old girls. They were out foraging so good pictures are hard to come by. Eos (with a White Rock) [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] Penelope - she is the only one that has me a tad nervous about gender. Her comb is somewhat red but nearly flat as can be with a small central ridge. But those feathers by her tail are looking kind of saddle puffy. A few weeks ago she was more barred all the way up to her neck. Those have slowly been replaced going down her back with the penciling seen now. No red wing patches, at least not yet. [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] Athena [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR]
Penelope is a boy lol
ok here is an update my chickens are now 15 weeks and i'm still clueless as to what they are :) both are small like hens, have small petite feet and barely any comb. both have rooster coloring though so i'm just all sorts of confused!!! small comb i think these are rounded? i dont see saddle feathers? the gold is new and just came in last week no comb really, small feet im not sure if these are rounded or not? gah
Red on shoulders means boy. So does uneven pattern.
I actually went to San Gabriel High School but I live in Baldwin Park now! I'm currently going to Mt. Sac College!

I was born in the Pomona Valley General Hospital. First 2.5 years in Chino, then 6 months in Bell Gardens, then we moved to Downey. Drove by Mt. Sac a bunch when I went to Cal Poly Pomona. But like W4W, that was ages ago, WELL before you were born

The 2 in question are both pullets, they are just stretching the "rules" a bit so can be confusing if you aren't used to looking for the clues.
The cockerel in the bottom left of the 2nd pic is showing the real rooster red color and thin sharply pointed male saddle feathers. Your first pullet is more gold brown than red and it is an overall pattern, extending down to the tail, so does not look like a male EE pattern. The second pullet seems to have less rounded hackles than the first, and the black pattern makes them look even more pointy, but if you put your finger under the feather, you will see the lighter color rimming the black that rounds them off. If you compare to the boy standing next to her, his hackles will be thinner as well as pointed. Neither pullet has any sign of male saddles. They are both unique looking. Very cute and I love that big grey beard!

I agree. Sure would like to know what the crosses were to come up with those feather patterns/colors. Pretty unique. Of course they continue to change until they are adults. Eos was white with BARELY a hint if peachy tan on her head as a new chick.

That is her in the middle at just under 2 weeks, not much different than the White Rock other than her legs were VERY slightly green.

At 4 weeks

This is her at 16 weeks. The color just sort of seeped off her head down her front and back.

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