Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*


Stilllooking like a pullet?

100% pullet
I'm not so sure yours is a cockerel. The red ones are tricky, sometimes.
I am very much hoping you are right, I am not getting rid of it till I am sure. "She" is at least 6 weeks old and everything else is looking pullet. The 2 little confirmed males are of course not the same breed but so obvious. This one has no points at all on the emerging feathers. Her comb is still really pale and not that big, her legs are not that big. The things she has going against her are her coloring and she is a tad bigger than I would expect as she is maybe a little bigger in size than the Brahma pullet but They could easily be a week apart in age too as the EE has more feathers. I will just sit and keep my fingers crossed since so far I only have one alternate rooster home and I know I need to get rid of the Blue Wyandotte rooster.

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