Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I posted him on the other EE thread too but here is our current boy baby....he will go off to live at a friends house that wants a rooster....

I'm going to vote pullet on this one for now. I have had several very similar colored birds turn out to be pullets, so don't give up hope yet. He/she will probably be mostly red when they get their adult feathers.
You are giving me more hope! lol I will not be devastated but I did have the guy just grab one of the EE pullets for the potential colored egg since I went crazy on other breeds this year and didn't want to max out my 25 chicken limit this year. It would naturally mean that it was a male though lol. The same kid grabbed me the polish I asked him not to and I didn't know until it promptly died that night and the next day the same 2 healthy ones were running around in the bin....I had a bad chick getting year. They mislabled the "bantam' cochin bin, she is full size. The 4 "Silver laced Wyandottes" turned out to be Blue Wyandottes supposed to be pullet bin, got a rooster, one ended up with a straight comb. I am waiting on some Showgirls to hatch from a local breeder but she had a litle mishap and they may not be viable...sigh the ups and downs of backyard chicken keeping lol.
It's still to early to be sure, but I am leaning toward cockerel at his point.

I hope not
Would you guys mind giving me your opinions on these two? The top light one is 6 weeks old and giant, it did initially seem to have 3 rows to its comb but maybe not? Pretty big personality but I'm not seeing any coloring to indicate a cockerel? The bottom one is 5 weeks old and a jerk. His (?) shoulders aren't totally feathered so perhaps they will come in red? If there is anything on either that screams pullet or cockrel will you share what it is? My colored layers seem to be all turning into cockerels or have died so I'm going to be trying again on blue layers. I've read tons of posts but it's still not "obvious" to me how to tell without a bright red comb. Thanks a bunch!

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