Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I have looked through *almost* all of the pictures here, and I am still a little unsure on mine....I think have all hens...but maybe one is a roo??? Here are the pictures:
This is Fluff head- guessing girl? ( 9 weeks old)

This is Racing Stripe...also 9 weeks old... girl or boy??

This is Penny. Penny is 11 weeks old, and "she" is the one I wonder about...???

This is Speckle. I am quite confident that she is a she!

Penny again....

Fluff Head

Speckle on the lounge chair....

one more with Penny- you can see her head better.

Fluffhead, Speckle and Racing stripe are all 9 weeks old and Penny is 11 weeks old.....
I have looked through *almost* all of the pictures here, and I am still a little unsure on mine....I think have all hens...but maybe one is a roo??? Here are the pictures:
is is Fluff head- guessing g 9 weeks old)

his is Racing Stripe...also 9 weeks old... girl or boy??

This is Penny. Penny is 11 weeks old, and "she" is the one I wonder about...???

This is Speckle. I am quite confident that she is a she!

Penny again....

Fluff Head

Speckle on the lounge chair....

one more with Penny- you can see her head better.

Fluffhead, Speckle and Racing stripe are all 9 weeks old and Penny is 11 weeks old.....

They mostly all look like girls to me. I have a girl that looks JUST like racing stripe and she is laying eggs now. :) Penny's comb is a bit red so I'd keep an eye out for any other roo type features, but there's no red coming out anywhere that I can see.. I have a solid color white roo that looked female until about 14 weeks so I hesitate to guess on those. :)
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Looks like all ladies to me!
good! I hope so!! I would be ok with one rooster....and Penny, the one I question, does some things that make me think both ways- for instance- she seems to sound the alarm when she sees the cat walk by or anything else different before anyone else....she also seems to "keep track" of the group sometimes....BUT she is clearly at the bottom of the pecking order....I have a 9 week old barred rock that is much smaller than the others, and even she wins out over Penny...just like everyone else!!
Here is my 'racing stripe' as a younger girl.. she's in the nest box now screeching at me so I know she's a she. :)

That does look a lot like my Racing stripe!! odd name I know....the 3 9 week olds have names based on how they looked when they were little- Racing stripe had a "racing stripe" all the way down her body, and Fluff head had a very fluffy head....Speckle had speckles on her head.....I know, so original....haha!
 This is Fluff head- guessing girl? ( 9 weeks old)


 This is Penny. Penny is 11 weeks old, and "she" is the one I wonder about...???

Oh my gosh, these are some of the most beautiful EEs I've ever seen!! :drool I love Fluff Head's markings!

EDIT: Sorry, I have nothing productive to say. :lol: I just wanted to express my admiration for these birds!
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Oh my gosh, these are some of the most beautiful EEs I've ever seen!!
I love Fluff Head's markings!
EDIT: Sorry, I have nothing productive to say.
I just wanted to express my admiration for these birds!
Hey thanks so much! I think they are pretty too, but maybe I'm a little biased!! the three 9 week olds came from the local farmers union as day olds and Penny came from Empire acres farm in poland, Maine.
These pictures were posted by two different BYCers, they are not the same chicken. I think the one in the first pic is a pullet, but Amelia looks very roo to me...

oh goodness... nevermind me. ;) I should refrain from posting that late at night! The birds looked similar, I have no idea how I missed that it was two different posters. LOL

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