Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

We have just purchased our first flock of chicks a week ago, started with four- 1 Barred Rock, 2 EE's, and 1 Rhode Island Red. Then my wife visited another of our local feed stores and bought a bantam Brahma while I was at work and I went back the next day and got a SLW! The man that owns the first feed store claimed that all his 4 day old chicks were hens and the family that owns the second one told us that 1 out of 3 will probably be a cockerel. I'm glad I stumbled across this site, quite a great source of information and experience! Once I get my post count up to ten I'll put up some of my own pics! Got our fingers crossed that we end up with the full flock since we aren't allowed to keep roosters.
We have just purchased our first flock of chicks a week ago, started with four- 1 Barred Rock, 2 EE's, and 1 Rhode Island Red. Then my wife visited another of our local feed stores and bought a bantam Brahma while I was at work and I went back the next day and got a SLW! The man that owns the first feed store claimed that all his 4 day old chicks were hens and the family that owns the second one told us that 1 out of 3 will probably be a cockerel. I'm glad I stumbled across this site, quite a great source of information and experience! Once I get my post count up to ten I'll put up some of my own pics! Got our fingers crossed that we end up with the full flock since we aren't allowed to keep roosters.

! And welcome to the world of chickens! If the chicks are vent sexed at the hatchery to be sold as pullets, you can expect around 90% accuracy. (Except for the EEs, which seem to be closer to 80%, at least from the hatchery my local feed store uses.) If the chicks are sold as "straight run" (often marked S/R), then they haven't been sexed at all and chances are 50-50. This is the general expectation, though your local feed store may have a different experience.

Will be on the look out for your pics. Best wishes!
Thanks for the reply! My guess is that the first owner got his chicks from a hatchery that vent sexed and the second does as well but maybe the employees don't have such a keen eye? I'm going to try my best to keep these posts in regards to the two "Ameraucanas" that we purchased from the first feed store. I should be able to get my post count up to ten before I leave work today so I'll be sure to drop back into this thread and leave pics of the two chicks, they are both entering their second week now. "Xena" has really nice markings and has a mask on her face so my wife named her after the warrior princess. "Rogue" is darker color and so she named her that after the comic book character. Like I said, I'll try to set aside some time tonight to take individual pics of them which we need to do anyways since they are growing fast!
Even though I know they are EEs wanted to give them a good american name. Light is Liberty and the dark one Bell I got mine from a feed store as well, they told me they where pullets but we will see. They are just over 3 weeks now I will post picks tomorrow theses where taken at about 1 week old

Their legs are down that means female right :)

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