Easter egger thread!!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 10, 2014
Ft myers, Florida
Hi this is the Easter egger thread here is one of my ee's of the flock


This is Tiffany-jannet (I couldn't decide witch one to name her so I picked both) age 2 weeks
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I have two EEs....

Here's Milton as a baby (started as Millie, but just crowed for the first time today)

Here's a current pic of Milton--2 months old.

Here's Primrose as a baby:

Here's a current pic of primrose --about 5 weeks old
Here are my 2 new EE babies 2 days old! can't wait to see what they are going to looking when they feather out my 11 week old pullet is turning a beautiful orange/copper color. So much fun!

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I love Easter Eggers. They are so sweet I don't have any but my Grandmother does. She has a white rooster and two hens, I think. Well hopefully I will learn some good information here.
It was supposed to say I'll bet Cheeky is a boy. I have been wrong so don't take my word for it. Just a guess. These pictures. are a mess when it comes to the captioning. The funny one is the cockerel.
I bet Cheeky is
Isn't he funny!This is a blue EE. I'm hoping she is a girl. Not sure but I think she is a Ameraucana and Barred Rock mix.

Last of all is Big Mama. She is such a good mama. Just had to share. I love my blues and Big Mama.

a he. Here is a picture of my EE cockerel. He is 10 weeks old this Sunday. .
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