Eastern Shore (Delmarva) -- You out there?

New to BYC. On the Western Shore near Annapolis. Looking for RIRs, Buff Orpingtons, and Dominiques. Laying.g hens for a small backyard flock. **Also have undeveloped/cleared land in Denton.(13acres). Anyone want to use it for pasturing livestock? Chickens, turkey, goats, etc.
Delaware here -

I have a small flock consisting of RIR, Araucana, Delaware Blues, and some mystery chicken that might be Barred Plymouth Rock x Wyandotte. We're still working on that one.
Just wanted to let anyone who may be interested there is a poultry swap in Felton DE this weekend.
Hope everyone on the Shore has had a good winter so far. We have extra, OEG eggs available for incubating, send a PM if interested. Here's our latest hatch of cuties.

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Looking for someone to talk chicken in the Girdletree Stockton Snow Hill Pocomoke Accomack area. Is there Anybody Out There?
New to BYC. On the Western Shore near Annapolis. Looking for RIRs, Buff Orpingtons, and Dominiques. Laying.g hens for a small backyard flock. **Also have undeveloped/cleared land in Denton.(13acres). Anyone want to use it for pasturing livestock? Chickens, turkey, goats, etc.

Where in Denton? I'm just curious Lol. We just moved from Denton last summer to Federalsburg. We loved the area we lived in but the people we were renting from wanted to sell, and the house needed way too much work for what we wanted to take on.
Its in a convenient location about 3/4 mile off 404. Near Greensboro Road. Great treeline along the edge of property with a cleared space in the middle. Private road. If you're interested in more information, let me know. Spread the word as well. Thnx!

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