Eastern Tennessee Thread

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Nellbean has had more experience with many birds, although I am not sure she has had them that cramped or not. She might offer some other advice as well. It is probably going to be a wait and see thing as far as pecking and such.

If you dont have a poop board below your roost yet, I would suggest one. I would say your big worry will probably be keeping it really clean with that many in that space. A poop board will def help. If you dont know about them, get back to me and I will be more specific.
Also keep that sucker ventilated.
Trying to read on my phone so may have missed bits. 3x6 coop....9 birds is a lot for therr but workable if they only roost in there at night and are let out at daylight. It will just need to be kept clean......and as bairo said, installing roost boards to catch the nighttime poop will be helpful.
@heathhero, you should get some to hatch at least, but might be week late, as ive had trouble in beginning and eggs just took longer to hatch. so dont give up yet. also my hen seems to tap at the air cell of an egg and then find weak spot and tap alternately there, if i let her, when the chicks should be ready to hatch, and found it seems to encourage the chicks to fight and want to try to get out if i do same with my nail, as then they all seem to come out at right spots and right side up (otherwise some just dont seem to know that its time to come out and sit there crying then die).
LOL I'm assuming this is for me...if not, please disregard!

Yeah the one good one my silkie is sitting on >she has a clear one in there but has kept it< should be coming any time now. If all is right under that chicken butt. But my problem is this..i was out of town over the Easter weekend, I have NO idea what day she began to sit on it. I got home Monday evening and it was dark so I didnt notice her "missing" until Tuesday morning. So i'll just sit on my hands as she is sitting on this egg!
Visions of Lurch from Addams Family. I'll be humming that the rest of the evening, lol.

My sister had a cockatiel that would whistle it, and when he got to the snapping part he'd click with his tongue. The only way to get him to sing it was to take a long feather and swish it back and fourth like a maestro. Poor Squeaky, Mom still doesn't know why he died all of a sudden
I'm like you Nella, I have BYC email me everytime this thread has a new post and then I answer whenever I feel froggy. Oh, BTW I saw you at the bunny show but didn't chase you down and by the time I was done watching the Mini Lop table you were gone. I went to see a friend, whom I'm buying my first Mini Lop from and was helping her with her bunnies
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