eating eggs vs hatching eggs


11 Years
Apr 10, 2012
I'm new to hatching eggs, and just wondering how long it takes to get used to the idea that some eggs are still "just eggs" and not "future chicks/ducklings".

My two-year-old just walked into the room while I was candling and dropped an egg on the floor.
...It was hard-boiled. And I had just given it to him a minute or two before. And it was a different color AND species than the ones I was handling. Not to mention missing the pencil marks that were all over mine.

But it was still upsetting in the moment.

For me it's just that- some are for eating and others aren't. Unless you are trying to "grow" something than it's just an egg to eat. Was your son more upset about your reaction to it? I know my 2 year old could care less about which is which and would probably ask for the one being candled to eat.
I know my 2 year old could care less about which is which and would probably ask for the one being candled to eat.


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