eating grit?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 22, 2012
Sequim, WA
My chicks are now 5 weeks old - how fast they grow! - and I'd like to feed them some treats but how do I know if they are eating the grit I put out? I sprinkle it on crumbles and have a feeder with it in, but haven't seen them eat it. Do I just assume they are?
I think it is same to assume they have eaten some grit. They naturally want this so they will eat it, in very small amounts though. Hopefully it is small enough for them. If you put them outside they will find tiny rocks ect. It is hard to distinguish what they are actually eating unless your environment is controlled.

Not sure what the logic is behind this answer, other than just watching chicks and chickens eat in the yard/outside. I realize your chicks have been inside but I am expecting it to translate to eating the grit if it is provided.

Wish ya the best.

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