eating your pet open discussion

This is my personal opinion.

Let's look at two chickens. One of them lives in an industrial setting on a wire cage or open floor crammed with other chickens. It never sees sunlight or has a chance to scratch in the dirt. It can't roost, nest, or even flap it's wings because it's so crowded. Once it reaches prime size, it is sent to the slaughter house on one of those crowded trucks stuffed with chickens blowing in the wind. I live in an area with a lot of these chicken trucks and I even see chickens in the road who fell out.

The other chicken lives on my small farm. He's an extra rooster. He is raised with plenty of space, sunshine, and food. Not just commercial food, but he can scratch for worms in the dirt. At night he roosts in a nice dry, safe place, just like his instincts tell him to. He gets to scratch around in the grass and find all sorts of goodies, and gets treats from my kitchen. He'll even get to try his hand mating with some of my hens before his time comes. But, I only need one rooster, so eventually, he will be humanely slaughtered by someone who cares about his individual well-being, right up until the end.

Which scenario is more "right" or ethical?

That's my answer about eating chickens. But, if your chicken is truly a pet and not a farm animal, as they are for many backyard keepers, I completely understand if you don't want to. My chickens are beloved farm animals but not exactly pets. I would eat them, but I wouldn't eat my cat.

My question for myself has been - If I can't eat this chicken that I know, who has been well treated and had a nice life, how can I in good conscience eat a different chicken who had a miserable life, just because I happened not to know that chicken personally?
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I agree with Sarahal88. I don't think I'll be eating my chickens, because they are going to be pets, but I definitely think it is a better life for them, and as long as they are butchered humanely, then go for it.
My grandmother took care of the chickens and when it was time she took care of that too. My husband wants no part of killing the chickens I don't know if I could do it anyway so something tells me my chickens will live long lives here. I've only had them a week so we'll see.
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My grandmother took care of the chickens and when it was time she took care of that too. My husband wants no part of killing the chickens I don't know if I could do it anyway so something tells me my chickens will live long lives here. I've only had them a week do we'll see.

I will add, luckily my partner doesn't mind doing the butchering. I don't yet know if I could actually do the deed or not. So after my little speech I feel like I should admit, I have not killed a chicken myself yet. We've had ours about 8 weeks. But the plan all along has been to raise meat as well as eggs. We will see if I can walk the walk in another few months, I guess.
I've eaten one of my extra roosters, and have put down 5 others for health reasons. I cry every time, and always feel awful for the rest of the day, but it's all part of life. My chickens are free range, and well taken care of. So, if I have to, I don't have any remorse about killing them humanely, and then using them for another purpose. However, there are a few "special" chickens that I refuse to kill, it's not happening. I suppose those are my "pet chickens"
I have pet chickens. I havent gotten to the point where I can distance myself, so I wont be eating any I have now. I do not hold it against those that have chickens as livestock, its just different mindsets :) and I dot have any problem sending extra roos to my neighbors, who process and eat them, its just a me thing.

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