At last! We got some lights put up in the chicken run! Tired of not being able to see in there in the dark.
Along with the good comes the bad of course.
  • We can see if any critters are in the run at night trying to get at our investment.
  • The lights attract insects and keep then away from our poultry.
  • In the morning the chickens get to dine on all the pilled up bugs on the ground.
  • Flouresent lighting! LOW COST OPERATION.
Provides some shade at certain times of the day.


  • A steady stream of traffic in the evening hours.
  • Some of our Birds have come up missing.
  • A loud speaker that constantly goes off saying "What are you're 2 sides, Spicey or Original and will that complete your order?"
  • Cups, napkins, boxes & bags all over the Yard!
We disconnected the speaker for a couple nights and the horns were unbearable.
Gotta take the Bad with the Good I suppose..:confused:

new lights.jpg
At last! We got some lights put up in the chicken run! Tired of not being able to see in there in the dark.
Along with the good comes the bad of course.
  • We can see if any critters are in the run at night trying to get at our investment.
  • The lights attract insects and keep then away from our poultry.
  • In the morning the chickens get to dine on all the pilled up bugs on the ground.
  • Flouresent lighting! LOW COST OPERATION.
Provides some shade at certain times of the day.


  • A steady stream of traffic in the evening hours.
  • Some of our Birds have come up missing.
  • A loud speaker that constantly goes off saying "What are you're 2 sides, Spicey or Original and will that complete your order?"
  • Cups, napkins, boxes & bags all over the Yard!
We disconnected the speaker for a couple nights and the horns were unbearable.
Gotta take the Bad with the Good I suppose..:confused:

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This is what happens when Cows hug each other..
Our Daughter back in 2009/Middle School FFA showing a Heifer at an out of town event. Heifer did not like the long trip and was acting antsy and impatient.
I miss those days..:( When my kids were kids. Now all I have is my Goat Kids..:lau
#174 walking around our future Brisket..:D
Naughty heifer! A different kind of hug than what I was thinking. :eek:
Skunks I trapped were drawn in by eggs. I should have tried marshmallows... But that's a waste of a delicious food.
I was using the cans of tuna and such...but flies like tuna. I don't like maggot tuna. :oops:

The flies don't bother my marshymallows.

I bet you could almost be trapped by the marshmallows??

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