You said you were going to show us how you hatch babies in a few weeks.
Whuzzup with the mask we can see through?
My teeth are a wreck and even on meds they're a huge source of anxiety for me. Hopefully, I'll be getting most of them pulled sometime this year. :confused: I've got issues with calcium that run rampant on my dad's side of the family. So when I was pregnant with Junebug they started rotting out even though I was brushing my teeth 3 times a day. Several of them will have to be cut out since they're even with my gum line these days. Fun stuff.
Nah, don’t ever run the bulk tanks that low. Winter time we feed a lot of grain rations, cubes, sileage and round bales. Usually we’d put cattle out on wheat pasture and corn stalks but not this year. Way too wet for that. Load coming in is 3 different rations of hog feed and 2.5 tons of poultry. A little over 17 tons.
from our goat chat group they're talking about cows that are dying here in Missouri from nitrate poisoning because of the grasses people buying hay that they don't usually get because of our drought here. It is scary.
They sure do. Haven’t missed a night going into coop and really like the feeder I built for them today.
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What’s the name brand of automatic door you like? It’s getting real old closing them up at night.
that looks great. And I envy you the sun I'm not sure what it looks like anymore I feel like I'm living in Seattle.
let me get the info on the two different types of doors I have and I'll let you know in a minute.

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