Well I'm going to thank the Lord that I was there but one of the two does that wasn't due till Thursday, of course kitted at 8:15 last night and Sub-Zero temperatures thankfully I caught it oh, but it meant being up every 2 hours changing heating pads in the heated Barrel after spending hours trying to get them dried off and warm with a hair dryer. I was up every 2 hours I've been to this morning trying to get them going in the buckling is doing okay I left him with the dough with a doeling this is to weaken the cold is too much so she had to come with me today I'm hoping I can reintroduce her tonight I really don't want to make her a bottle baby, but it's better than dead baby. it is some sort of cosmic joke they have to call kid Sub-Zero temperatures instead of waiting until their due date when it's going to be warm and nice. Not to mention I really wanted to get a good night sleep after having been up the night before dealing with new babies in the freezing cold so that I wouldn't be in a total comafor today. Oh well I should count my blessings they are all healthy. I had to pull the one and bring her with me though.
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For your amusement!
The quail are 3-weeks tomorrow. I have had them jump out of their brooder, and I’ve had them jump into my hand. And now I have had them fly across the living room. I didn’t know coturnix could fly. :lol:
Thankfully, Maaco was in my bedroom. I’d be down my favorite quail if he hadn’t been.

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