
are government at work. Not to mention the post office is one of the few that actually has to fully fund their retirement I can't just push it off to the Future and their inefficient put those two things together and what a mess
We should be neighbors. I’d have to come when you weren’t around (I would drive you insane), but I could bottle feed, watch deliveries, and assist when needed. I’m pretty useless in general, but I think I could at least make your life 10% better.
Oh, and I can cook and bake. You’d come home to fresh rolls, a steak, baked potato and steamed broccoli (I’m not into potatoes, but I’m making myself drool!) with a salad. I could even make and freeze omelettes, or breakfast wraps or sandwiches for you to eat at home or on the go. Have one of those Stove to Go’s? I will fill foil pans with stuffed roast beef, and mashed potatoes with gravy. That was one of my specialties in the truck.
We should be neighbors. I’d have to come when you weren’t around (I would drive you insane), but I could bottle feed, watch deliveries, and assist when needed. I’m pretty useless in general, but I think I could at least make your life 10% better.
Oh, and I can cook and bake. You’d come home to fresh rolls, a steak, baked potato and steamed broccoli (I’m not into potatoes, but I’m making myself drool!) with a salad. I could even make and freeze omelettes, or breakfast wraps or sandwiches for you to eat at home or on the go. Have one of those Stove to Go’s? I will fill foil pans with stuffed roast beef, and mashed potatoes with gravy. That was one of my specialties in the truck.
that would be nice. I tried to find a college student to would be willing to do some stuff in exchange for a free place to live. I would only ask for some Utilities in the summer if they want to use air conditioning. I have 680 square feet upstairs, bedroom, bathroom, and big room, but I can't find anybody. I don't want just anybody so I don't advertise, so the right person just hasn't come along yet.
My thought was someone could either do some of the outdoor easy stuff, or mow the lawn and do the indoor stuff and I would even volunteer stuff for the freezer if they want to make meals a couple of days a week.
My instant pot is getting carrots sweet potatoes and roast tonight hopefully it'll be done by the time I get chores done.
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Hey everyone!! First time hatching eggs, we have our first one our on day 21 with one more pipping! Number three may be a loss but that’s okay.

My question is about the bedding. I used paper towels to cover the bottom of the incubator. Is it safe to remove the soiled one where the first chick hatched out with a clean one or continue “lock down” until we are sure everyone is out?

Thank you in advance and I want to scream with how happy I am right now! AHHHH!!!!!!
You’re going to get mixed responses for that question. The bottom line, is that it doesn’t matter either way. Bedding isn’t common in the incubator. If you do choose to remove the hatchling (and the paper towel), be sure that the room is not cold, and that you watch the humidity.
You mention that one is pipped, and that in itself makes it unwise to actually open the incubator at this time. Again, we all have our feelings and experiences as to what we do, and why. I’ve opened the incubator with pips, but I was also in a warm room, and put in a wet sponge to keep up the humidity.
The humidity in the incubator went up after hatch (no surprise there) my plan was just a quick remove the soiled part, replace with dry, close the incubator and let the rest do their thing. I’m not removing the current hatchling until it is dried off. Then I’ll remove it to the brooder- until then. It can stay where it is.
The humidity in the incubator went up after hatch (no surprise there) my plan was just a quick remove the soiled part, replace with dry, close the incubator and let the rest do their thing. I’m not removing the current hatchling until it is dried off. Then I’ll remove it to the brooder- until then. It can stay where it is.
How is your flock medicine cabinet? Not only is it horrible to have a sick or injured bird, and not have what you need to treat it, but I have found that it’s very handy for other critters (and humans) as well!
I have a ligament gel for the birds. It’s just Absorbine Jr. for animals. Last evening, the dog jumped off the recliner wrong. He wasn’t seriously injured, but I was glad to have the gel for him. He’s fine today, btw.
I’m allergic to Neosporin, so a paramedic suggested I use the Vetericyn when needed.
Anyway, if you don’t have one, there are several lists you can use to get an idea of what to pick up. BTW, TSC is often cheapest for such things.
that would be nice. I tried to find a college student to would be willing to do some stuff in exchange for a free place to live. I would only ask for some Utilities in the summer if they want to use air conditioning. I have 680 square feet upstairs, bedroom, bathroom, and big room, but I can't find anybody. I don't want just anybody so I don't advertise, so the right person just hasn't come along yet.
If I were you, I would seriously consider 'Workaway'.
My daughter and I were both signed up for it. We had offers from France, Kenya, etc.. Check it out. It may be just what you're looking for.
Your weather will be here Tuesday evening into Wednesday.
Hopefully your animals won't starve with the delivery delay. Is that for cattle?
We still have a lot of nights coming well below freezing but at least, after today, days will be warm enough to keep liquid water on the birds.

Nah, don’t ever run the bulk tanks that low. Winter time we feed a lot of grain rations, cubes, sileage and round bales. Usually we’d put cattle out on wheat pasture and corn stalks but not this year. Way too wet for that. Load coming in is 3 different rations of hog feed and 2.5 tons of poultry. A little over 17 tons.

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